

The Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA) Representative Assembly voted to pass eight amendments, the Association announced Monday.

The Representative Assembly is comprised of 53 (35 high school, 18 middle level) school administrators from each of the nine WIAA districts. For an amendment to pass, 60 percent approval is needed from voting members of the Assembly. A total of 32 votes are needed for a middle level/high school amendment to pass, while 21 votes are needed for a high school amendment to pass.

In total, 11 amendments were proposed this year and the eight that passed will go into effect next school year with the exception of HS #1 which will go into effect at the beginning of the next classification cycle in 2024-25. In addition to those amendments, three WIAA Executive Board positions were voted on with Steven Carson II of Inchelium (District 7), Dwayne Johnson of Port Angeles (District 3), and Harlan Kredit of Lynden Christian (District 1) being re-elected to their positions on the Board.


HS #1 4.2.0 Adjusts the enrollment parameters for 3A and 4A schools to balance the number of schools in those classifications. 34 1
HS #2 4.2.0 Based upon recommendations from the Classification Committee, authorizes the WIAA Executive Board to adjust the enrollment parameters every four (4) years. 32 3
HS #4 18.6.0 Defines a resident public school and school of choice; if a hardship is granted for a student transferring from a school of choice, they may be eligible only at their resident public school. 31 4
ML/HS #5 18.12.2 If a middle level student transfers to a school district where eighth graders are allowed to play at the high school level, high school eligibility at the receiving school will be limited to sub-varsity only for the remainder of the school year. 43 10
ML/HS #7 20.0.0 All coaches, whether paid or volunteer, would be required annually to complete the WIAA general rules clinic and the WIAA approved rules clinic for the sport being coached. 45 8
ML #9 30.64.1 Middle level basketball games may be four (4) quarters of up to eight (8) minutes, or two (2) halves of 20 minutes of running clock time. 18 0
HS #10 41.5.2 A school may schedule 18 team contests for tennis. 24 11
ML/HS #11 League review of the WIAA administrative staff regarding the misinterpretation or misapplication of a rule is no longer required. 51 2


HS #34.2.0Splits the 1B classification into 1B-1 and 1B-2 divisions.1025
ML/HS #618.24.0Allows for accommodations to be made for students to participate in non-school athletic activities no more than twice per week.2132
HS #830.3.0A basketball tournament consisting of up to four (4) contests played on consecutive days will count as one (1) contest toward the season limitation.1421
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