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Financial Education Center – Welcome


Gesa Credit Union offers financial education with access to a broad range of value and cost-effective financial product and services. Organizing your finances can be challenging, especially if you are just starting out. Gesa gives you the tools and materials right at your fingertips, so you can be successful. Let us be your guide to your financial journey.



Let’s be honest, saving is hard. No one likes to set aside money for your future self when you can spend it on your present self.

Automating your savings is a great way to effortlessly put away a portion of your monthly paycheck while keeping it “out of sight, out of mind.” Something as simple as setting up an automated transfer from your checking account to your savings account every two weeks can help grow your savings without consciously shrinking your spending budget.

Another great option is to enroll in a “Round up” feature where every purchase you make automatically rounds up to the nearest dollar amount and puts the change in your savings account.

Simpler is better, and these techniques allow you to save without thinking.


Let’s talk about banking basics. It is not a good idea to hide your money under a mattress, as it can be very risky. At some point you will need to secure your money either with a Bank or Credit Union. Both Banks and Credit Unions offer insurance coverage over your money, creating a safe and profitable way to take your first step in your financial journey. But make sure you do your research to find the financial institution that offers the right products and services for you.

Products and services are essential to managing your money. Banking institutions offer a variety of consumer needs. Checking accounts allow you to deposit and withdraw money for daily transactions. These accounts are also good for paying bills, purchasing items with your debit card., and depositing your payroll. Savings accounts allow you to withdraw and deposit money. However, they are not for everyday transactions. Savings accounts are good for earning a higher interest on your money, making larger deposits, and saving for something special. When looking into a financial institution, you will want to research monthly fees, minimum balance requirements, interest rates, and opening deposit requirements. You’ll also want to look into electronic services they offer in the event you need to access your accounts outside of a physical branch.

Gesa Credit Union is a not-for-profit financial co-operative. This means we share our profits with our members through higher interest rates on savings and lower rates on loans—ultimately earning our members more money in savings and saving them money on loans.

Gesa Credit Union also offers a unique variety of products and services. For example, currently, Gesa offers a Student Checking account for ages 14-18. This product empowers young members to have their own Savings and Checking accounts with a debit or ATM card. It is not common for financial institutions to allow a minor to have their own individual account. However, ours are designed to set students up for financial success as the student checking product is not eligible for overdraft protection. This feature is added to protect the member from consistently over drafting their account and accruing service charges. Additional features such as online banking empower the member to track their balances, pay bills and set transaction alerts.

Do you know a young person ready to learn the ins and outs to managing their money? Student Checking at Gesa is a great way to start out!

banking basics meet carlos

jamie's budgeting plan

Addressing Discriminatory Behavior – Welcome


In order to uphold core principles stated within its Handbook, the WIAA may sanction schools that fail to protect those involved in interscholastic activities from derogatory or inappropriate behavior deemed harmful to physical or mental well-being.

If you see, hear or witness derogatory or inappropriate behavior while at a WIAA member school event, please report it immediately with the below form. Examples of harmful behavior to be reported include:

  • Derogatory cheers, chants or slurs directed at teams or individual participants (explicit, implied or perceived)
  • Hateful comments of any nature as it may relate to:
    • Race/Ethnicity
    • Gender Identity/Expression
    • Disability
    • Religion
    • Age
  • On court/field interactions between a coach, official, participant, crowd that are derogatory in nature

NOTE: The WIAA is not an appropriate organization with whom to report instances of physical or sexual abuse toward a student. Mandatory reporters or patrons with direct knowledge of physical or sexual abuse should report to law enforcement or Child Protective Services immediately – 1-866-ENDHARM (1-866-363-4276).

The following complaints, regarded as employee or student discipline matters or complaints that are outside the scope of the WIAA, will be returned to the complainant via the contact address provided:

  • Playing time/position
  • Satisfaction of coach
  • Academic eligibility
  • Drug/alcohol use

The WIAA is not empowered to change an educator’s or coach’s employment status, nor may it force an employing school district to take certain disciplinary actions against a student, staff member, or public visitor.

Anonymous complaints will not be considered by the WIAA. Complainants must include their name and contact information to assist in the prompt investigation of concerns. If you wish to remain anonymous, please speak with a school official about alternative options for reporting to the WIAA.

Upon a ruling by the Executive Director or by the Executive Board, the member school of the accused party may be subject to probation, mandatory appearance before the Executive Board, a required plan of action, forfeitures, fines, a lack of institutional control penalties, suspension of membership, or expulsion from the Association. A determination that no penalties are necessary when an incident has been handled appropriately and in a timely fashion by the school and/or district of the accused party may also occur.



  1. The complainant creates and completes each section of the Complaint Form.

  2. Once submitted, the WIAA is notified of the complaint.

  3. The WIAA notifies all parties/individuals included on the Complaint Form.

  4. A confirmation is sent to the complainant within 48 hours, acknowledging receipt.

  5. Those involved with the accused party make every effort to complete the investigation process within 30 days; however, should the investigation require more time, a 30-day status update shall be provided.

  6. The WIAA notifies the complainant of the results of the investigation process and steps taken to address the incident.

If you have other questions regarding the WIAA’s policy on bias reporting beyond the scope of the complaint form, please contact the WIAA OFFICE

NOTE: A district’s WIAA investigation does not substitute for a district’s continuing obligations to investigate and take prompt and effective steps, as soon as it knows or should have known about discriminatory harassment (including sexual harassment), to (1) stop the harassment (2) eliminate the hostile environment (3) prevent harassment from recurring and (4) remedy the effects of the harassment. WAC 392-190-0555.

DEI – Welcome

dei committee mission

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee’s focus and desire is to recognize all differences by having an association that is encouraging and welcoming for all, and to embolden our membership and affiliates to embrace differences as strengths.


  • Representatives from each WIAA District
  • McKinney Vento liaisons
  • Social workers within schools
  • Students at diverse schools
  • Administrators with experience at diverse schools
  • Mental health professionals

advocacy & representation

  • LGBTQ+
  • Special Olympics/Unified Sports
  • Native/Tribal Communities
  • Other Communities of Color
  • Low-Income Communities
  • Rural/farming Communities
  • Deaf & Blind Communities

core covenants


The mission of the WIAA is to provide excellent, fair, safe and accessible activities. We cannot serve our mission if the access is not truly equitable.


The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee will meet for the sole purpose of providing tangible action to support our membership, with emphasis on student equity, eliminating barriers for participation and providing more seats at the table.


We will facilitate uncomfortable yet critical conversations about inequality, injustice, and our own biases with the WIAA Executive Board, WIAA Staff and WIAA Membership.



In collaboration with its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee, the WIAA aims to celebrate member schools that actively seek to encourage participation in activities/athletics for diverse populations. Schools that choose to engage in this work and that meet all criteria of the STRIDE Initiative (full details available below) will be able to consider themselves a “WIAA STRIDE School.” This moniker will allow local communities to proudly display that they continue to actively engage in efforts to eliminate structural barriers and provide interventions that increase participation for students from all backgrounds. Schools that choose to engage in the STRIDE Initiative will, in solidarity with other participating schools, make an impact on access for all students across Washington state. Use the links below to learn more and apply.

Categories DEI

Classifications – Welcome





enrollment ranges

number of schools




















MICK HOFFMAN - WIAA Executive Director

Sportsmanship – Welcome

Just Play Fair!


In an ongoing effort to promote sportsmanship and citizenship among member schools and their communities, the WIAA and Gesa Credit Union proudly present Just Play Fair! This citizenship program drives the WIAA’s sportsmanship mission and encourages members schools to implement a year-round program supported by participation from athletic directors, coaches, parents and student-participants that aligns with the program criteria found below.


Use the following Just Play Fair! program criteria to develop the framework for your school’s sportsmanship plan:

  • Establish of a sportsmanship committee to coordinate the planning and implementation of your program
  • Adoption of a sportsmanship resolution or statement of beliefs by your school board
  • Develop a code of conduct, written sportsmanship plan, and citizenship plan for players, coaches, spectators, cheerleaders, and bands

In addition, participating schools are encouraged to use the following methods to promote your sportsmanship program:

  • Create peer assistance at middle level and elementary schools
  • Include Just Play Fair! messaging in event programs
  • Develop sportsmanship and citizenship game announcements
  • Develop a sportsmanship recognition program
  • Create a sportsmanship handbook for players and coaches
  • Participate in league sportsmanship activities
  • Conduct in-school programs emphasizing sportsmanship
  • Invite speakers to emphasize sportsmanship
  • Produce sportsmanship posters, banners, or social media content
  • Create a sportsmanship link with other sports groups or colleges in the community


Throughout the school year, make sportsmanship and citizenship a priority in the following ways:

  • Discuss the value of sportsmanship with coaches and students prior to the start of each season
  • Create a committee to develop sportsmanship efforts in your school
  • Talk with your event security staff and public address announcers about their roles during contests
  • Distribute posters, banners, and social media content promoting sportsmanship
  • Plan a competition between student clubs that promotes sportsmanship
  • Evaluate sportsmanship efforts at the conclusion of each season
  • Conduct a year-end sportsmanship meeting to evaluate the past year and set goals for the next year



A coach’s role is to educate students through participation in interscholastic competition. The participant’s welfare should be treated with the highest priority at all times.

Coaches shall…

  • Be aware of their tremendous influence in the education of the student-participant and never place the value of winning above the value of character.
  • Consistently uphold the honor and dignity of the profession and strive to set an example of the highest ethical and moral standards.
  • Be thoroughly acquainted with the rules and responsible for their interpretation to team members.
  • Actively use their influence to encourage sportsmanship among their team members and supporters.
  • Unwaveringly support and respect officials.
  • Make an effort to meet with opposing coaches before each contest to exchange friendly greetings and set a positive tone for the event.


Student-Participants shall…

  • Respect the rights and beliefs of others and treat others with courtesy and consideration.
  • Be fully responsible for their own conduct and the consequences of their actions.
  • Respect the property of others.
  • Obey the rules of their school and the laws of their community, state, and country.
  • Show respect to those who are responsible for enforcing the rules.


  • Use the Just Play Fair! theme to create a one-week promotion focusing on sportsmanship
  • Have the school board develop a policy stressing that attendance at an athletic event is a privilege and that inappropriate behavior by any party will be dealt with appropriately
  • Encourage the fine arts advisors to incorporate good sportsmanship themes into their competitions
  • Create banners/posters that welcome opponents to your school
  • Create a sportsmanship report card for visitors to fill out and return after contests
  • If members of your high school community felt like they were treated particularly well while visiting another school for an event, encourage them to write a letter to the principal or athletic director of that school
  • Have your public address announcer read a pregame or time out statement encouraging sportsmanship and proper respect for the game
  • If a team you played during the season advances to the state tournament, have your coaching staff send a good luck message before the event
  • Report good sportsmanship when displayed by your opponents



  • Show respect for opponents, public property, and equipment at all times
  • Accept the decisions of game officials
  • Avoid offensive gestures or language
  • Display modesty in victory and graciousness in defeat


  • Follow the rules of the contest at all times
  • Accept the decisions of the contest officials and avoid public criticism of game officials/participants
  • Avoid offensive gestures or language
  • Display modesty in victory and graciousness in defeat


  • Accept your role in an unassuming manner
  • Maintain confidence and poise by controlling the contest from start to finish
  • Thoroughly know the rules of the game and abide by the Code of Ethics
  • Publicly shake hands with coaches and/or both teams before the contest
  • Never exhibit emotions or argue with participants and coaches when enforcing rules


  • Adopt policies/programs that promote the ideals of good sportsmanship, ethics, and integrity
  • Serve as a positive role model and support participants, coaches, school administrators, and fans who display good sportsmanship
  • Appoint adult supervisors for each contest (one supervisor per each 150 spectators); supervisors will be stationed in highly visible areas throughout the school’s fan sections, responsible for the conduct of spectators in their areas, and assist and inform security personnel regarding acts of misconduct


  • Take part in cheers and applaud good performances
  • Work cooperatively with contest officials and supervisors in keeping order
  • Refrain from making negative comments about officials, coaches, or participants
  • Stay off of the playing area at all times


  • Know the contest rules and cheer at proper times
  • Lead positive cheers that support and uplift your team
  • Encourage support for any injured participant
  • Show respect for opposing cheerleaders


  • Choose appropriate music and time for performing
  • Dress in school-approved uniforms
  • Show respect at all times for officials, opponents, spectators, public property, and equipment
  • Avoid offensive gestures or language


  • Report acts of sportsmanlike behavior without giving undue publicity to unsportsmanlike conduct
  • Refrain from making negative comments about participants, coaches, or contest officials
  • Recognize efforts of all who participate in the contest

Coaches School – Welcome

Coaches School


Registration for the 2024-25 WIAA Coaches School is now open! WIAA Coaches School 2024 will continue to be offered virtually through April 30, 2025, and will provide the same content as Coaches School 2023, fulfilling the second year of a two-year content cycle.

If you previously completed Coaches School in 2023, you are encouraged to explore additional professional development opportunities which can be found in other classes on My24/7Ed including The University of Washington curated classes, Foundations of Coaching: Developing Youth Through Sport and Centering Student Athlete Needs all for FREE on the My247ed Platform. The NFHS Fundamentals of Coaching class also meets WIAA requirements.


  • Once you’ve logged into your My247Ed account, click “Conference Records” on the left side of the screen
  • You will see Coaches School as an option – click “View Conference”
  • Select “On-Demand Content” on the left side of the screen


  • Developing Youth Through Sport: Provides an understanding of fundamental coaching strategies to promote safe spaces and positive experiences in sport.
  • Centering Student-Athlete Needs: Focuses on adolescent development and how to be responsive to the physical, cognitive, and social-emotional needs of teen athletes.


  • Coaches that complete all on-demand Coaches School sessions will meet their coach education requirements for three years
  • Upon completion of all sessions, participants will be prompted to complete an end-of-clinic survey in order to receive a certificate of completion
  • A sync will be available between FinalForms and my247ed to log completion


  • Credit Card:
    • If you are registering as an individual with credit card, the fee is $65 with an additional $6.50 credit card fee, for a total of $71.50.
  • Purchase Order:
    • Schools must provide a PO# to the WIAA.
    • Coaches: Before registering, please communicate with your athletic director to confirm that you are required to complete Coaches School.
    • Schools will be charged regardless of completion of all the content.
    • ADs & Coaches: Please communicate with each other to determine who will send the PO number to Peter Ho at the WIAA Office.
    • It’s up to the AD to track which coaches have registered from their school.
    • If you do register using a PO, it will take AT LEAST one full business day to activate the PO (weekend registrations will not be activated until Monday at the very earliest).
    • Individual coaches will register and click “pay by purchase order.”
    • If you choose this option, the registration status will be “pending.”
    • The WIAA will bill schools when Coaches School 2024 closes on April 30, 2025.


Inclusion in Education-Based Sports Dan Taylor, Steph Hirsch, Amber Plummer
Foundations of Coaching for Developing Student-Athletes Jennifer Peterson, CSCS, NBCT
Safe Practices Make for Successful Seasons Thuy-Vy Nguyen, Ed.D
Risk Management in Education-Based Sports Steve Bridge, Jim Meyerhoff
Coach as the Leader Sean Dahlin, Ph.D.
WIAA Roundtable Cindy Adsit, Andy Barnes, Justin Kesterson
Suicide Prevention Information Brian Jackson, Scott Hanauer



PETER HO - WIAA Membership & Billing Coordinator (Billing/PO Questions)

My247Ed - Technical Support

Hall of Fame – Welcome

Hall of Fame

The Washington Interscholastic Activities Association Hall of Fame is organized as a means of recognizing, preserving and promoting the heritage of interscholastic activities in Washington state. Many individuals have made extraordinary contributions and have had superb accomplishments in high school sports and activities. The WIAA Hall of Fame honors the contributions and accomplishments of these individuals, who have set an example for others to emulate.


Consisting of 6 total members, the 2023 WIAA Hall of Fame Inductees will be honored at the Hall of Fame Induction Luncheon on Wednesday, May 8, 2024.

CLASS OF 2023 announced

Donna Tyo



Bothell HS, Eastside Catholic, Secondary Academy for Success, WIAA Hearing Officer



WSCA, Executive Secretary



Rogers HS, WSU - Track & Field



Newport HS, WWU - Soccer, Basketball



Lakes HS, UP, OSU - Track & Field, Cross Country



Mead HS - Soccer

NOMINATIONS & categories

Candidates will be considered in each of the following categories:  Athlete, Coach, Team/Program, Fine Arts, Administrator, Official, Contributor.

Emphasis will be given to former students who have excelled in high school athletic and activity programs while demonstrating the qualities of good sportsmanship and leadership. The WIAA Hall Fame honors those who are products of WIAA member schools’ programs. Nominations must be submitted by September 30th annually. Inductees will be announced each January.


JENEÉ JAMES - WIAA Assistant Executive Director

Team of the Month – Welcome


Each month throughout the remainder of the school year, the WIAA will recognize a varsity Team of the Month for each of the six classifications. Winning teams will be chosen based on performance, dedication in the classroom and service to the community.

Team of the Month winners will be selected based on nominations. To nominate a team for consideration, please fill out the Team of the Month Nomination Form. Both athletic and activity teams are eligible

2024-2025 WINNERS


The Sound Christian Girls Basketball Team is currently the only undefeated team in the SeaTac 1B/2B League, boasting a 6-0 record as of January 7, 2025. This marks their best start since the 2018-2019 season when they started 4-0. The Lady Lions are averaging an impressive 50.2 points per game while holding their opponents to just 25.3 points per game.

Reardan-Screaming-EaglesREARDAN GIRLS BASKETBALL (2B)

In December, the Reardan Girls Basketball Team posted an impressive 8-1 record, winning by an average margin of 19.3 points per game. During this stretch, they averaged 55.3 points, 12.7 assists, and 17 steals per game. Off the court, the Reardan Screaming Eagles are excelling in the classroom while also demonstrating exemplary gratitude for one another on the court.

Royal-KnightsROYAL FOOTBALL (1A)

Royal continued its 1A football dominance with a decisive 61-28 victory over Seton Catholic in this year’s Championship, earning the Knights an astonishing fifth-consecutive State Title. The win capped off an undefeated season and marked the 300th career victory for Head Coach Wiley Allred. Royal quarterback Lance Allred, Coach Allred’s great-nephew, delivered a stellar performance with seven total touchdowns—six rushing on 203 yards and one passing with 200 yards through the air.

Pullman-GreyhoundsPULLMAN BOYS SWIM & DIVE (2A)

Pullman has been dominating the competition on the east side of the mountains this month, securing victories against every 2A, 3A, and 4A team they’ve faced. They claimed first place at both the Blue Devil Invite and the Winter Invite at Whitman College, finishing with nearly double the points of the next closest team. As they enter the second half of the season, the Greyhounds are hoping to ride the momentum in their pursuit of an elusive, three-peat State Championship.

ODea-Fighting-Irish O’DEA FOOTBALL (3A)

The O’Dea Fighting Irish made history in this year’s 3A State Football Championship with a 38-15 victory over the defending champions from Bellevue. The win capped off a perfect 13-0 season for O’Dea, and secured Head Coach Monte Kohler’s fifth State Title and state-record-tying 394th overall victory in his 40th year of coaching. Kohler now shares the record with legendary Tumwater Head Coach and WIAA Hall of Famer, Sid Otton.


After a strong, third place finish at last year’s State Tournament, the Davis Girls Basketball Team started their season 8-2 with three of those victories coming against top-10 teams in the state and both losses coming against out-of-state competition. Off the court, the Pirates have been actively involved in the Yakima community where they volunteered to help local elementary students and families with their holiday shopping.


This past November, the Wilbur-Creston-Keller Wildcat volleyball team tore through teams in the Northeast League, District 6, and 1B State Tournaments. After falling to the Oakesdale Nighthawks 3-1 in the District 6 Tournament Championship game, WCK persevered through two five-set matches in the opening rounds of the WIAA 1B State Tournament at the Yakima Valley SunDome before beating Fellowship Christian 3-1 in the Semis to advance to the Championship game–and a rematch with the four-time defending State Champion Nighthawks. This time, the Wildcats prevailed, taking down their district foes in four sets to claim their first ever State Title.


On the field, the Freeman High School girls soccer team just completed a perfect 15-0 season, one of only two teams in the entire state across all classifications to do this. They finished ranked number one in the WIAA RPI as well. Off the field, the team volunteered with the Seattle Sounders Rave Foundation to mentor young soccer players at a dedication for a new mini pitch. Approximately 200 young children attended and participated in drills and games led by the Freeman High School soccer players.


The Cedar Park Christian boys cross country team won the 1A State Title, going back-to-back as champions. This was the boys’ second team title in school history. Even without their number two runner, Cedar Park was able to take home the win. They ran a 1A record team time.


On Saturday, November 9, at Sun Willows Golf Course in Pasco, for the second year in a row, Sehome High School swept the 2A State Cross Country Meet. The girls’ team claimed its fourth straight Title, and the boys won their second in a row. Led by sophomore Lil Desler’s first-place finish (18:08.9) and key contributions from up and down the roster, including Sloane Clines (5th, 18:45.9), Sydney Harri (9th, 19:05.8), and Samantha Knipp (12th, 19:15.5), the girls team dominated the field, winning with 40 points. Ranked first in the state and 28th nationally, meanwhile, the Sehome boys beat second-place Bainbridge by 45 points, finishing the meet with 37. Nick Gargano led the team, finishing second (15:29.2), followed by Skyler Gillham (4th, 15:33.6) and Heath Terry (12th, 16:07.3).

Bellevue-Wolverines BELLEVUE GIRLS SWIM & DIVE (3A)

The Bellevue High School girls swim team left Federal Way in need of a new set of ballpoint pens after the work they did at the King County Aquatic Center at the State Meet this past November. The Wolverines practically rewrote the record book, setting three new State records. They took first in the 400 Free Relay, with Kamryn Meskill, Sophie Segerson, Cecilia Howard, and Heather White touching base in a time of 3:18.78 for a new 3A record. The same squad set a new mark in the 200 Medley Relay, taking first in a time of 1:39.82. Heather White set her own individual record in the 100 Free, finishing in 48.90 seconds. Cecilia Howard, meanwhile, wrapped up her season as the 3A State Swimmer of the Year.


November marked an historic moment for Lake Stevens High School. Not only did the girls soccer team go further than any soccer team–boys or girls–before them, but they also won the WIAA 4A State Championship Title, the first girls championship in any sport in Lake Stevens history. The Vikings entered the Tournament as the number one seed, defeating two other top teams in the process. Their victory also marked the first for a Wesco League soccer team in multiple decades, bringing the trophy back to northwest Washington for the first time since 1999.


The Valley Christian boys cross country team has risen to the top this year. Coming off their 2023 State Championship Title, the boys have dominated many invitationals, such as the Can-Am Cross and Connell Invitationals, taking home first place in both meets. The boys took the 1B boys district championship title this season, with six runners placing in the top 10. Heading into the postseason, the boys are looking to secure a second State Championship. Westin Madden, a senior on the team, broke the school record with a time of 15:40.1 at the Battle for the 509 Invitational. These boys are not only victorious on the course, but also in their academics and character. Many of the boys hold a 4.0 GPA, and several are also on the VCS Knowledge Bowl team. Together as a team they lead each other and the younger kids well and set an example that strives for excellence and honor. Coach Drick has worked long and hard with these boys, developing them into strong runners and the wonderful people they are today. They run with such humility, yet they do not let their skills go to waste. The VCS boys cross country team is a team to watch as the 2024 cross country season comes to a close.


Tonasket High School volleyball has been working extremely hard this year despite some of the obstacles that have fallen in their way throughout the season. The team is 15-4 overall and 8-2 in the month of October alone. They are currently second in the league and are playing in the league championship this weekend with the State Tournament waiting for them later this month. Coach Hawkins and crew have been working tirelessly for hours, watching film and hosting high-energy practices and events for the players — and it has paid off. Now, THS volleyball is heading to State for the first time since 2017. The Tigers also work hard in the classroom, boasting multiple 4.0 students, five running start students, and three ASB officers. They have contributed to their school community by volunteering as line judges for middle school volleyball games and working on a trunk-or-treat program for the elementary school students.

Chelan-Mountain-Goats CHELAN VOLLEYBALL (1A)

The Chelan Lady Goats have had an impressive season to date. They are currently undefeated, rank No. 1 in 1A RPI, and have continued to be successful when facing larger schools, such as Ellensburg, Ephrata, and Selah. The Goats have not dropped a set in any matches against 1A schools, including Cashmere, Nooksack Valley, and Meridian. The Goats also participated in the Linda Sheridan Classic, competing against some of the most talented schools in the state, and finished in the top four out of 64 in that tournament. The Goats have recently won their league, putting them in a good position to have the top seed going into the district tournament. Throughout the season, Chelan has maintained a team GPA of 3.73.

Kingston-BuccaneersKINGSTON GIRLS SOCCER (2A)

The Kingston High School girls soccer program has had difficulty in league play in recent years, placing in the bottom third of their division for the past 11 years. This year the ladies have put in significant work to improve to 11-4-1, sitting at third place in the Olympic League, scoring 47 goals while only giving up 16 for the 2024 season. Kingston also partners with the local Grocery Outlet to recognize the Sportsmanship Athlete of the Week, and girls soccer has had an athlete recognized 15 times this season. Not only has the team put in the work on the field, they have also put in the work off the field, leading multiple campus cleaning events, supporting local businesses with back-to-school events, and supporting the community children during a Halloween community event. They are truly leaders in the community, classroom, and campus.


Throughout this season, the Mountlake Terrace High School football team has demonstrated exceptional teamwork and skill, finishing the regular season in second place in the WESCO 3A South League with an overall record of 6-2. For the first time in school history, the MTHS football team defeated both the Shoreline School District varsity football teams as well as all three of the Edmonds School District varsity football teams. The commitment to excellence this football team has shown, both in the classroom and on the field, has not only made them a source of pride in our school and community, but also a formidable opponent. Beyond their athletic achievements, MTHS exemplifies the spirit of sportsmanship and camaraderie. Each player has consistently supported one another, demonstrating respect for each other, their coaches, and the officials, as well as rival teams. This team’s hard work, resilience, and positivity has inspired so many students in the school as well as in the community. Additionally, the entire football program made a significant impact off the field by participating in the 2024 Buddy Walk on Sunday, October 13, at the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle. This is the fourth year in a row the program has celebrated and supported folks with Down syndrome and their families in the community.


The Auburn Riverside boys tennis team has had an outstanding season, finishing with a perfect 17-0 record. Their accomplishments this month include winning the Invitational Tournament at Thomas Jefferson High School, where they claimed the trophy. Additionally, the team secured the 4A NPSL League Tournament Championship, positioning themselves favorably for the upcoming district competition. Notably, players Xin Yi Yang, Evan Ly, Giuseppe Battista, and Caleb Choi were recognized as First Team All-League, showcasing their exceptional skill and dedication. The league also acknowledged the team’s success by awarding coach Tyler Parsons and his outstanding staff with Coach of the Year honors. Beyond their impressive performance on the court, the team maintains an exceptional academic standing, boasting a collective GPA of 3.9, with six players achieving a perfect 4.0 GPA. This remarkable combination of athletic excellence and academic commitment truly highlights the team’s dedication and success.

These extraordinary young women are spectacular on and off the court. They are undefeated in league play and have not even dropped a set. The only blemish on their perfect record is a second-place finish at the SunDome Volleyball Festival in Yakima. In the more recent Linda Sheridan Tournament, they finished first -- and didn’t lose a set during the entire tournament. What makes these girls extra special, however, is that they are just as remarkable off the court as on. They support other athletes at their games and meets. They participate in ASB, school clubs, and community organizations. Two are editors on the high school newspaper. Many of them are enrolled in college-level courses and nine have all As and A-minuses. They are recognized leaders at Wenatchee High School.SOUND CHRISTIAN ACADEMY FOOTBALL (1B)

The Sound Christian Lions football team has struggled over the past couple of years, usually winning one game per season. The Lions coaching staff is now in its second year at the helm. They made the playoffs in their first season, only to have an early exit at the hands of Neah Bay. Our coaches spent the offseason planning out a new strategy for the team, revolving around a few key players and some new ones that were joining the team at the start of the season. This season, Sound Christian, as of September 30, has matched their win total over the past two seasons combined, currently outscoring their opponents 106-64 in three games. The Lions have had two shutout victories, one against a larger 1A school in Vashon Island. The Lions are above the national average in completion percentage, yards per completion, passing yards per game, completions per game, passing long, and quarterback rating. In the ground game, the Lions are above the national average in yards per carry, rushing yards per game, rushing long, and rushing touchdowns. The Lions are currently averaging 485 all-purpose yards per game, which amounts to 170.8 yards per game higher than the national average. The Lions football team also had the honor of being ranked in the WIAA RPI Top-10 for the first time in five-plus years.

La-Salle-Lightning LA SALLE FOOTBALL (2B)

Coach Lamb and the rest of the La Salle coaching staff have the Lightning football team off to a good start at 4-0; however, Coach Lamb’s primary focus is on helping the boys become good men. His tireless effort to plan, coordinate, and execute a good program sets an example for all the boys, parents, and staff. One of the main hallmarks of his program is holding a team dinner on Thursday evenings, followed by team mass. Many of the parents are involved in this, and former parents of players often say they look back on these dinners as their fondest memories at La Salle. Sportsmanship is a major part of the team’s philosophy. Coach Lamb manages his personnel and strategy to ensure his entire team is getting better and their opponents are respected. Coach Lamb cares about the development of his staff as well. He ensures tasks are divided to give each coach a focus and purpose. He has recruited and signed on a couple of young coaches to begin forming them into the next generation of qualified and character-driven leaders. The budget is low, but Coach Lamb works hard to raise funds to ensure helmets are reconditioned and the weight room is safe. The team did a fundraiser event, a lift-a-thon, and raised nearly $10K. The team donated 10% of the funds to the YWCA to support victims of domestic violence in the Yakima Valley. This program is top-notch!


The Seton Catholic girls soccer team finished the month of September with a 6-0 record, scoring 38 goals, 32 of which came off of assists, while only allowing just three goals against. Ten different Cougar players have scored, three players have had “hat tricks,” and five players have had multiple goals in a game. The goals-to-assists ratio demonstrates the “team-first” mentality that this squad has embraced. The Seton Catholic Girls soccer team has a team GPA of over 3.9 and has already donated numerous hours of their time serving as ambassadors during community functions. The program is an excellent example of the amazing student-athletes here in Washington participating in WIAA athletics.


As a Title 1 school, Franklin Pierce has some struggles with academics and involvement. However, the boys cross country team has consistently demonstrated outstanding accomplishments in the classroom and on the course. The senior boys this season make up four of the top five varsity spots on our team. They are all four-year varsity lettermen in cross country and have broken countless records while at Franklin Pierce. However, their involvement doesn’t stop on the course. Two of the four are also completing their associate’s degrees while in high school and will be graduating in the spring with their high school diplomas and associate’s degrees from Pierce College. Another senior is a four-year leadership student, current senior class president, and has held various other leadership and involvement roles throughout his time in high school. The fourth senior varsity boy has a high school cumulative GPA of 3.93 and received offers from top schools to continue his academic and athletic accomplishments after graduation. These four seniors set the bar for being exemplary student athletes with their work ethic, dedication to academic excellence, and athletic prowess. The varsity squad is completed by a sophomore in the fifth spot who set the team record for personal records in a season with seven and was voted Rookie of the Year as a freshman by his teammates. The sixth and seventh varsity spots are held by two freshmen coming from the local middle school. They are as dedicated as the current seniors were as freshmen and will continue the strong academic and athletic performances in the coming years.

Hermiston-Bulldogs HERMISTON VOLLEYBALL (3A)

For the first time since joining the WIAA and Mid-Columbia Conference, Hermiston is in first place in a conference that consists of 4A powerhouses, Kamiakin, Richland, and Chiawana, and currently sit at 5-1, ahead of Kamiakin and Kennewick. A 3A team has not claimed the conference title during Hermiston’s existence in the MCC, and Hermiston is in contention this year. Hermiston is led by All-Conference libero Camryn Hagel, who eclipsed her 1000th dig earlier this year. She already has over 200 digs on the season. Offensively, sophomore Brooklin Bacon, junior Carolyn Follett, and senior Piper Roberts have been very efficient attacking the ball and scoring on nearly 40% of their attempts. Junior setter Lucie Nguyen has been outstanding behind the service line, serving 98% with 16 aces on the year so far. Other milestones include their first varsity victories over Kamiakin and Chiawana, with Richland being the only other team they have not defeated since moving to Mid-Columbia conference in 2018-19. They get that opportunity next week. Academically, the varsity has not had a student on study tables for the first time in the past fouryears. The program also helps coach every Monday and Wednesday with the Youth Volleyball league during their practices.

Wenatchee-Panthers WENATCHEE VOLLEYBALL (4A)

These extraordinary young women are spectacular on and off the court. They are undefeated in league play and have not even dropped a set. The only blemish on their perfect record is a second-place finish at the SunDome Volleyball Festival in Yakima. In the more recent Linda Sheridan Tournament, they finished first — and didn’t lose a set during the entire tournament. What makes these girls extra special, however, is that they are just as remarkable off the court as on. They support other athletes at their games and meets. They participate in ASB, school clubs, and community organizations. Two are editors on the high school newspaper. Many of them are enrolled in college-level courses and nine have all As and A-minuses. They are recognized leaders at Wenatchee High School.

Athlete Of The Week – Welcome


Each week, the WIAA and Gesa Credit Union will recognize WIAA student-athletes for outstanding performances and impactful contributions in their communities. Selections are based on nominations. To nominate a student-athlete for consideration, please fill out the following form.

All students in good academic standing at their schools are eligible to receive the Athlete of the Week Award. Students may win the award once during any given academic year.


  • A letter of recognition from the WIAA Executive Director
  • A Certificate of Achievement
  • A $25 gift card courtesy of Gesa Credit Union
  • Winners will be announced weekly on the WIAA website, WIAA Live mobile app, and on social media
  • Statewide bragging rights

2024-2025 WINNERS

Omak-PioneersDEWY BEST – Omak Wrestling (SR)

Dewy Best, senior wrestler for Omak High School, is a young man who faces adversity in his daily life. Once he made the decision to no longer let that affect him, he has made tremendous progress. Best is confined to a walker when not wrestling or working out. He has little ability to move his legs. This has not stopped him from being a huge part of his team’s success. He is an inspiration to all who witness him taking the mat.

Tahoma-BearsBRYCEN DAWLEY – Tahoma Wrestling (FR)

Brycen Dawley, a freshman wrestler, has had an extraordinary debut season, establishing himself as one of the most talented and promising athletes on Tahoma’s boys wrestling program. Currently undefeated, Dawley has demonstrated remarkable skill, discipline, and determination on the mat, consistently outperforming seasoned competitors. This season, he secured a championship at the prestigious Tri-State Tournament, an event known for its high level of competition and deep talent pool. His performance there was nothing short of dominant, demonstrating his technical prowess and resilience against some of the best wrestlers in the region. The young man further solidified his reputation on the national stage at The Clash, a major tournament held in Minnesota. Competing against elite opponents, he finished with a 6-0 record, contributing significantly to his team’s success and earning respect from coaches and athletes nationwide. His achievements reflect his hard work, talent, and dedication to the sport of wrestling. As a freshman, his undefeated record and victories at top-tier events signal a bright future ahead, and he is already making a lasting impact in his wrestling community.

Adna-PiratesKARSYN FREEMAN – Adna Basketball (SR)

At the Adna Holiday Tournament, Karsyn Freeman achieved something very few high school girls basketball players in the state of Washington have ever achieved. She surpassed 2,000 points in her high school basketball career. The senior finished the night with 33, leading the Pirates to a victory over 4A Olympia. She opened the tournament the previous night with 34 points against 3A Kelso. Freeman is averaging over 28 points per game against a slate of solid upper classification competition. She has been able to achieve this while also shooting well over 50% from the field.

Thomas-Jefferson-RaidersSAMYIA GILDON – Thomas Jefferson Bowling (SR)

Samyia Gildon helped Thomas Jefferson High School win their only match of the week, bowling a 226 and 199 to combine for a 425 series total. She is averaging 190 this season to help the Lady Raiders stay undefeated in their quest to return to the State Tournament. Gildon is a senior who has committed to continuing her education and bowling career at McPherson College next fall.

Kiona-Benton-BearsSPENCER HANSEN – Kiona-Benton Basketball (SR)

Spencer Hansen is a senior point guard at Kiona-Benton High School who currently averages 30 points per game. Recently, Hansen excelled at the GESA Holiday Tournament in Wenatchee, scoring 109 points total in three games.

Friday-Harbor-WolverinesPIERCE KLEINE – Friday Harbor Basketball (SR)

Pierce Kleine is the sort of young man coaches dream of having in their program. Friday Harbor has a young team this year, but that has not deterred or stopped Kleine from showing up and working as hard as possible. The senior maintains a 4.0 GPA while being a dedicated three-sport athlete. Kleine is his team’s captain, leading the program in minutes, points, rebounds, usage and turnover percentage. He consistently shows up and puts forth the work effort, leadership, and grit to be a force, not only on the basketball court, but for his future. His work ethic shows his teammates and community he will do anything to have success in his lifetime. He is a self-motivated, selfless, and humble leader. He is constantly asking how to improve himself and learning from his mistakes. He strives for the next opportunity and seeks to make everyone around him better. Kids in our community are drawn to him because of his kindness and quality of character.

Black-Hills-WolvesSLOANE KRUGER – Black Hills Wrestling (SR)

Sloane Kruger remains undefeated, having won the past five tournaments in which she’s competed, taking first at Orting, Centralia, Hammerhead, PAC Coast, and the Hill Climber Tournament this past weekend. Her efforts helped the Black Hills girls wrestling team secure the first team trophy in the three-year history of the program.

Pullman-GreyhoundsJAKE MCCOY – Pullman Swimming & Diving (SR)

Senior Jake McCoy came back from Junior Nationals with one mission: to solidify himself as the best boy swimmer in Pullman High School history. He furthered that cause by breaking two more school records as the Greyhounds dominated the Blue Devil Invite in Walla Walla.

Naselle-CometsAUDRINA MUESSIG – Naselle Cheerleading (SR)

Naselle senior cheerleader Audrina Muessig has consistently demonstrated exceptional leadership. She brings an infectious energy and pep to every game, motivating her teammates and elevating the overall spirit of the team. Her respect for coaches and commitment to improving not only her own performance but also helping others succeed truly stands out. Muessig’s leadership is evident in how she encourages her teammates and always puts the success of the team above personal achievements. Her dedication to ensuring that everyone reaches their highest potential makes her a role model for others. It’s clear that she is not just playing for herself but for the entire team’s success.

Woodinville-FalconsALIZA PRICE – Woodinville Wrestling (SR)

Senior Aliza Price went to Gut Check over the weekend and took first place. She did not have a single point scored on her and pinned all of her opponents in the first round, including a returning State Champion in under a minute. She won her finals match by a major decision, 10-0.

Selkirk-RangersMILLIE RICE – Selkirk Basketball (FR)

Millie Rice scored an impressive 24 points in her team’s non-league victory over Wilbur-Creston this past week, adding five rebounds and a steal. Leading her team in points, the freshman from Selkirk had her first double-double against Chesterton of Notre Dame Academy on Saturday. She put up 24 points and 11 rebounds to go with five steals and four assists to propel her squad to a 60-40 victory.

Enumclaw-HornetsKALEE SWANSON – Enumclaw Basketball (SR)

Enumclaw senior Kalee Swanson put together some standout performances this week, leading her team to two massive victories. On Monday against Tumwater, Swanson scored an impressive 30 points, shooting 7-of-11 from the field and 11-of-12 from the free-throw line, while adding four steals to secure the win. On Friday against Todd Beamer, she filled the statsheet with 20 points, seven rebounds, seven steals, and six assists en route to another victory.

Ferris-SaxonsBELLA ANASTASI – Ferris Cheerleading (SR)

Team captain Bella Anastasi is a standout leader guiding a squad of mostly rookies this season. A key member of the 2024 State Championship Coed Game Day team that also placed 5th at USA Nationals, Bella’s dedication and experience continue to inspire her teammates and set the standard for excellence.


Karsen put on a dominant display over three games against Rainier, Okanogan, and Brewster, averaging 27.3 points, 12 rebounds, 2.6 blocks, and 4 steals per game on 48% shooting, including five dunks and 36% from beyond the arc. Known for his high energy and intensity on the court, Karsen is a true leader for his team.

Lindbergh-EaglesJAMES HUFF- Lindbergh Basketball (JR)

James Huff has been a dominant force for the Lindbergh Eagles, delivering standout performances in two December victories. On 12/14 against Hazen High School, the 6’7″ junior nearly recorded a quadruple-double with 14 points, 11 blocks, 14 rebounds, and 8 assists. He followed that up with a career-high 41 points, 11 rebounds, and 7 blocks in a win against Highline High School on 12/17.


Junior forward Cora Lowe was a standout at the 1st Annual Kamiak Holiday Tournament, leading the Auburn Riverside Ravens to a perfect 3-0 record. Averaging 19 points and 5 steals per game, Lowe shone brightest against California’s Whitney High School, scoring 26 points on 10-of-13 shooting with 6 steals. Her all-around impact has propelled the Ravens to an impressive 8-2 start—their best since 2016.


Undefeated against in-state opponents this season, this standout wrestler has claimed titles at Tri-State, Edmonds Woodway, and Pac Coast at 106 lbs. He also earned an impressive 3rd place at the prestigious Reno Tournament of Champions, one of the toughest high school tournaments in the nation. His only loss came in double overtime to the U17 2024 World Champion and is currently ranked 15th in the nation at 106 lbs.

ELYSA NASH – Kittitas Basketball (SR)

Elysa had an outstanding week, leading her team to a perfect 3-0 record with exceptional performances. Against Riverview, she posted 20 points, 7 rebounds, 4 assists, and 2 steals. In the second game, she added 13 points, 4 rebounds, 2 assists, and 5 steals. She capped off the week with 18 points, 9 rebounds, 1 assist, and 6 steals in the final win.

Castle-Rock-RocketsNOLEN NELSON – Castle Rock Wrestling (JR)

Nolen had an incredible performance at “Hammerhead”, one of Washington’s toughest tournaments. Going 6-0, he claimed 1st place in a highly competitive 64-man bracket. Throughout the tournament, Nolen was dominant, only getting taken down once.

Othello-HuskiesMASON PEREZ – Othello Wrestling (SR)

Mason Perez continues to dominate on the mat, capturing the 285 lb championship at the prestigious Tri-State tournament in Coeur d’Alene last weekend. This past weekend, he claimed another 1st place finish at The Leonard Schutte Round-Up, helping his team secure the team championship as well. With an undefeated 13-0 record, Mason is proving to be a force to be reckoned with this season.

" COLTON ADAMS - King's Football (JR) In two playoff games, King's junior Colton Adams accounted for 10 touchdowns playing quarterback. In the 1A State Football play-in game, Adams was 14-of-20 for 110 yards and two touchdowns, adding three two-point conversions. He also rushed for four touchdowns. In the next round of the playoffs, Adams went 15-of-19 for 234 yards and two more touchdowns, also running the ball for 105 yards and another pair of scores. Starting at safety on defense, he had 13 tackles." " TESSA ANASTASI - Lake Stevens Soccer (JR) Tessa Anastasi helped lead the Lake Stevens soccer team to victory during the State Semifinal and Final soccer matches, registering two shutouts to help the Vikings earn their first State Title in school history. She came up huge in both games with double-digit saves, including 15 in the Championship game, withstanding high pressure from the opponent the entire game. One of Anastasi's key saves took place early on in the game, when a low cross was sent through the six-yard box. Tracking the ball across the field, she was able to deflect the point-blank shot with her feet. Not only did she come up huge countless times throughout the entire weekend, Anastasi's sportsmanship and poise helped her stand out as a special athlete. She also maintains a 4.0 this semester, demonstrating what a well-rounded student-athlete she is." " BILLY BOLTZINGER - DeSales Football (SR) In DeSales' playoff game against Quilcene, running back and tight end Billy Boltzinger had 171 total yards and three total touchdowns: two rushing and one receiving. At linebacker, he had 10 total tackles, two tackles for loss, one forced fumble, one fumble recovery, and one blocked field goal attempt. The senior stepped up big time with his squad's starting running back playing limited minutes and starting quarterback out due to injury. Boltzinger is a great young man and team leader." " HERKY BRIGGS - Bellarmine Prep Tennis (JR) Herky Briggs sailed through his junior tennis season as Bellarmine Prep’s top boys singles player, finishing the fall without dropping a single set. He always had a great attitude and demonstrated full effort in practice and matches, although his ability level usually far exceeded that of his opponents. Briggs won both the Puget Sound League and District Tournaments with ease, beating all of his opponents in straight sets. He is an excellent example of a high-achieving student-athlete who manages to stay grounded and still have fun playing tennis with kids at any level. He'll head to the State Tournament this coming spring." " PATRICIA HOPE EGRUBAY - North Thurston Soccer (SR) Patricia Hope Egrubay, a senior athlete at North Thurston High School in Lacey, was a starter for the 2024-25 varsity girls soccer team, playing right wing striker. In her first game, she scored three goals in a 4-1 victory. Over the next few games, Egrubay had many assists, but unfortunately the team’s varsity goalkeeper was injured and was unable to continue in that position. Egrubay was asked to take over the goalie position because she had some previous experience. In the seven to eight games following, she played exceptionally well as the varsity goalkeeper. She made many amazing saves, sprinting several times to acquire the loose ball in the penalty box before the opposing team could shoot. Throughout her tenure in the goal, she stretched and dove left and right, making great saves. One of these outstanding saves took place during a penalty kick. Her leadership skills were evident frequently, as she used vocal cues to position her team’s fullbacks in defensive positions. " " OLIVIA HERMANN - Hanford Cheerleading (JR) Olivia Hermann is a three-year varsity cheerleader for the Eagles of Hanford High School and is an excellent athlete and student. Her position on the team is that of point flyer, and, in that position, we have won two State Championships and recently qualified for the 2025 State Championship. Although winning is amazing, Hermann's leadership is astonishing. She is a strong young lady who excels not only on the mats and sidelines, but also in the classroom. She is well-respected by her peers and teammates and has a very strong moral compass. She has faced many challenges in her life and continues to strive for excellence and to be the best person she can be, not only for herself, but for those around her. She is an incredible young lady who is such an honor and blessing to coach." " HARPER MATSUMOTO - Nathan Hale Swim & Dive (SR) Harper Matsumoto has overcome a number of injuries over the past few years. She became healthy enough to compete this year and had a great performance at State. She helped lead her relay medley to first place at State, placed second in the 200 free relay, and had two third-place finishes in both the 100 fly and 50 free." " LYDIA PETERSEN - Chelan Volleyball (SR) Lydia Petersen has overcome a lot of adversity over the past few years. These past few weeks, but especially at the State Tournament, Petersen really owned her role as a leader and dominated the court in every State game. She never doubted that her team would be taking the gold ball back home with them. She was a huge factor in Chelan's undefeated season and State Tournament. Petersen has a calm presence and outstanding sportsmanship on the court, lifting her teammates. She is a wonderful role model and citizen of the community for all the young athletes that watch and/or interact with her." " CASH SHORT - Tumwater Football (SR) In the quarterfinal matchup against Sehome, Tumwater senior Cash Short recorded a defensive touchdown, offensive touchdown, and a safety, all in a 10-minute span. This all began when the score was 0-0, catapulting the T-Birds to a 70-7 victory. Short didn't play in the second half but still finished the game with four rushes for 49 yards and a score, one reception for 19 yards, three sacks, an interception, a defensive touchdown, and a safety." " BECCA SKINNER - Clarkston Soccer (SR) Clarkston senior Becca Skinner scored 123 goals in her career, a number that under 1% of high school students will reach in their careers. She scored three goals in a game on three different occasions and scored five in another, as well as being a 4.0 student and signing with WSU to play soccer next year." "JACK STRANGE - Naselle Football (SR) Naselle senior and team captain Jack Strange was named the Player of the Year in his league for the 2024 season. In Naselle's playoff matchup against Pomeroy, Strange had 24 carries for 300 yards and four rushing scores, alongside three catches for 96 yards and two more scores." " Kings-Knights Kings-KnightsSLOANE RUOTSALA – King’s Cheerleading (JR)

Sloane was a true standout at the Jungle Jam Competition, helping her cheer team achieve a qualifying score. When her sign broke into four pieces during the fight song, Sloane didn’t miss a beat. Her ability to stay composed and professional in the face of adversity didn’t go unnoticed—every judge gave her a shout-out on the score sheet for handling the situation like a pro.

Skyline-SpartansCOLIN SHAMP – Skyline (JR)

Colin dominated at the Doc Herron Tournament, claiming 1st place for the Skyline Spartans with three pins and a technical fall. Remarkably, he didn’t allow a single point scored against him throughout the tournament. With a stellar 15-1 season record and 11 pins, Colin continues to showcase his exceptional skill and determination on the mat.

Entiat-TigersMONICO VALADEZ-ROBINSON – Entiat Basketball (SR)

Monico has been a standout player for our team this season, currently holding a 5-1 record. As the lone senior on the varsity squad, he’s been averaging 15 points and 10 rebounds per game. On Friday night, he had an exceptional performance in our 66-42 win over Curlew, finishing with a triple-double: 25 points, 12 rebounds, and 10 assists. Monico’s leadership and all-around play have been crucial to our success so far.

TAMIA YEAGER – Spanaway Lake Bowling (SR)

Tamia Yeager, the anchor bowler for the Spanaway Lake Lady Sentinels, added another milestone to her storied career on December 19th by rolling her first perfect 300 game—12 consecutive strikes—in a match against Sumner High School. The Vanderbilt commit, a two-time 3A state champion and three-time league MVP, followed up with a 231 in her second game, finishing with an impressive 531 series and a 265.5 average.

ANNIKA BAKER – Curlew Basketball (SO)

Annika Baker led the Curlew Cougars to back-to-back wins over the weekend. On Friday, the sophomore scored 19 points, grabbed 5 rebounds, and tallied 2 steals. The next day, Baker shone in a league matchup, posting 17 points, 20 rebounds (12 offensive), and 5 steals to secure a 42-30 victory over Selkirk. Curlew remains undefeated at 7-0 (3-0 league). Averaging 18+ points, 11 rebounds, and 4 steals in league play, Baker has been a consistent force for the Cougars this season.

PETE BEARDSLEE – Northport Basketball (JR)

Pete Beardslee has been a scoring powerhouse for Northport High, leading his team to a strong start this season. Over the first five games, the junior guard has averaged 30.4 points per game while shooting an impressive 82.7% from the free-throw line. Beardslee’s standout performances included a 36-point effort on December 7 and a season-high 37 points on December 17. On December 10, he reached a career milestone, scoring his 1,000th career point in just the third game of his junior year.

TRENTON BERGREN- Steilacoom Swim & Dive (SR)

Trenton Bergren is making waves for Steilacoom High School this swim season. In the first five meets, the senior standout has already secured district qualifying times in all eight individual events, with several times nearing state qualification. A two-year team captain, Bergren’s leadership and skill were on full display last season when he advanced to the state finals in two relays and two individual events. With a strong start this year, he’s poised for another impressive showing at state.

JULIAN CASTRO – Granger Basketball (SR)

Julian had a standout week, scoring 26, 26, and 36 points in three games to average 29 points for the week and 23 points per game overall this season. Highlighting his impressive stretch, Julian surpassed the 1,000-point career milestone in a commanding 66-39 win over Highland. Beyond his achievements on the court, Julian excels as an honor roll student and is a dedicated member of his community, making an impact both on and off the hardwood.

PARKER HODGEN- College Place Wrestling (SR)

Senior captain Parker Hodgen is nearing his 100th career win, a first for College Place. A two-time state participant, he’s on track to become the school’s second-ever state placer. Parker has started the season 10-0, winning the Bob Mars, Connell Invitational, and Leonard Schutte Roundup, where he was named Outstanding Wrestler. A 12-season athlete in football, wrestling, and track, Parker’s leadership and success define his final season

MATTHEW JONES – Olympia Swim & Dive (SR)

Matthew Jones achieved a 4A State Swim and Dive Automatic Qualifier time in the 500 free, becoming the first in the state this year to reach that mark. He’s also closing in on state qualifying times in the 200 IM and 100 breaststroke. Undefeated in individual events this season, Matthew has been a team leader, consistently demonstrating excellent sportsmanship.

MADISON MAGAÑA – Connell Wrestling (FR)

Madison is working hard for competitive tournaments like Best of the West, where she recently scored a notable win against a highly ranked sophomore who competed at the WIAA state tournament at the Tacoma Dome in the 105lb bracket. As a freshman, Madison earned 3rd place at this two-day tournament. Her goal is to participate and place at the State Tournament.

Lakes-LancersEHMARII MCCHRISTIAN – Lakes Basketball  (SO)

 Ehmarii McChristian finished all three games this week in double digits. She recorded 15 points, 5 rebounds, 2 assists and 5 stills in the 45-60 loss vs. River Ridge; 20 points, 7 rebounds, 1 assists, 1 steals, and 2 blocks in the 60-47 win vs. Clover Park. She recorded her first career double-double in the 63-34 win vs. Timberline (19 points, 10 rebounds, 4 assists, and 6 steals).

Raymond-GullsPRESLEY MCVEY – Raymond Cheerleading (SR)

Presley is a 3 time NCA All American nominee, 2024 NCA All American, and 4 time NCA Leadership Award winner.  Current Team Captain, Presley is a great example of athletic accomplishment and academic excellence. 

ARION PALACOL – Marysville-Getchell Basketball (SR)

Bubba Palacol has gotten off to a great start this season. Against Bothell, he had a game high 37 pts and eclipsed the 1500 point mark. The following week he followed up with these performances: 21 points, 5 rebounds, 4 assists, 3 steals against Mountlake Terrace, then 35 points, 6 rebounds, 8 assists and 4 steals against Redmond. 

Emerald-Ridge-JaguarsCAITLYN STICKLEY – Emerald Ridge Cheerleading (SR)

Caitlyn Stickley, a Senior Cheerleader, shines as a two-time state champion and an incredible team captain. Her dedication and leadership inspire her teammates both on and off the mat. Known for her excellence as a student leader, Caitlyn exemplifies the perfect balance of athleticism, commitment, and academic achievement. She also plays a key role in continuing to build the positive and thriving culture here at Emerald Ridge High School.

Toppenish-WildcatsSOPHIA TORREZ – Toppenish Wrestling (JR)

Two time WIAA State Champion, 2x All-American at Reno Tournament of Champions (2nd Place-2022 & 3rd Place-2024 3.82 Current GPA @ Toppenish High School She has lead her team to 2 Team State Titles, and recently lead her team to a 3rd place title team finish at Reno Tournament of Champions. Her leadership role with this young team has helped them stay currently ranked 3rd Nationally.

Kentlake-FalconsHUMAM AL-DAFFaIE – Kentlake Wrestling (SR)

Humam Al-Daffie completed an undefeated week with a 5-0 record, including five pins and a tournament championship. He won in a League Dual Meet on Thursday and took first place in the Cov-Town Throwdown on Saturday. Al-Daffie is a team captain, an honor roll student, and a leader in Kentlake’s growing Unified Sports team. His tireless efforts to develop as a wrestler and team leader are showing impressive results. This week, his contributions included a crucial third-round pin that helped Kentlake come away with a 39-30 dual win on Thursday night. On Saturday, Al-Daffie added four pins to help the team earn a third-place finish and a team trophy at the Cov-Town Throwdown.

Deer-Park-StagsASHLAN BRYANT – Deer Park Basketball (SO)

Ashlan Bryant has been a dominant force for Deer Park this season. She has led the team in the first three games, putting together the following shooting statistics: 15/22 in two-point attempts, 5/8 in three-point attempts, and 10/14 in free throws, with an average of 18.3 points per game. In addition to her scoring, Bryant has accumulated 18 rebounds, 12 assists, and 13 steals. In a recent game against 6A Idaho school Coeur d’Alene, Bryant scored 25 points, went 9/11 from the field, 3/3 from beyond the arc, and added 7 rebounds, 2 assists, and 4 steals.

Grandview-GreyhoundsCAMERON DRACULAN – Gradnview Basketball (SR)

Cameron Draculan recently surpassed 1,000 career points and has scored over 103 points in just three games this season. His efforts have contributed to a three-game winning streak for Grandview.

Hanford-FalconsHUNTER DUNCAN – Hanford Wrestling (JR)

Hunter Duncan went undefeated at the Inland Empire Classic Duals held at Central Valley High School in Spokane on December 7, 2024. Wrestling up a weight class at 138 pounds, Duncan finished with a 4-0 record to help his team fill weight categories. He is a returning state participant from 2024 Mat Classic, where he competed at 113 pounds.

Cle-Elum-Roslyn-WarriorsGRACIE GLONDO – Cle Elum-Roslyn Basketball (JR)

Gracie Glondo delivered a remarkable 42-point performance, which included nine three-point field goals, during a game at Mabton on December 13. She shot 75% (9-12) from beyond the arc, 71% overall, and 90% (9-10) on free throws, leading her team to their first victory over Mabton in two seasons. Earlier in the season, Glondo surpassed 1,000 career points with a 27-point performance in her opening game. She is averaging nearly 25 points per game with an incredible 59% field goal percentage, playing a key role in the Warriors’ 4-0 start.

Union-TitansBROOKLYNN HAYWOOD – Union Basketball (JR)

Brooklynn Haywood had an outstanding week, averaging 31 points, 9 rebounds, and 7 assists across three victories. Her efforts have helped propel Union to a 5-0 start to the season.

Southridge-SunsDESIRAE JUAREZ – Southridge Wrestling (JR)

Desirae Juarez went undefeated with a 4-0 record and four pins to win the 135-pound weight class at the Ladycats Kickoff Classic at Eastmont High School. Her victories included defeating the second-ranked 2A wrestler, who placed fifth in state last year, in the semifinals and the top-ranked 1A/B wrestler, who placed fourth in state last year, in the finals.

Liberty-Bell-Mountain-LionsRICARDO LARA – Liberty Bell Wrestling (SO)

Ricardo Lara won the 126-pound weight class at the Tony Saldivar Ironman Tournament. Facing a points deficit in the finals, Lara finished off a comeback victory with just two seconds left on the clock. He has shown substantial growth this year as both a wrestler and a leader.

Hoquiam-GrizzliesLINCOLN NIEMI – Hoquiam Basketball (SO)

Lincoln Niemi delivered standout performances in Hoquiam’s recent games. In a win over Shelton on December 10, he recorded 32 points, 7 rebounds, 6 assists, and 1 steal. The following night, in a victory against Kalama, Niemi added another 32 points, 8 rebounds, 8 assists, and 2 steals.

Columbia River RapidsARI RICHARDSON – Columbia River Basketball (SR)

Ari Richardson, a four-year starter at Columbia River High School, has been the leading scorer in all four games this season. On December 12, he made ten three-pointers, scored 43 points, and set a new school scoring record in a victory over Ridgefield. Richardson also led the team by scoring 8 of Columbia River’s 10 fourth-quarter points in a win against 3A Prairie High School on December 14. His leadership and contributions on and off the court make him deserving of recognition.

Republic-TigersLANDON SHORT – Republic Basketball (FR)

Landon Short, a freshman at Republic High School, had a career-high performance on Saturday in a game against the Cusick Panthers. He scored 51 points, grabbed 12 rebounds, recorded 3 steals, and blocked 3 shots, shooting 50% (18-36) from the field and 44% (4-9) from beyond the arc. This season, Short has been a key player for the Tigers, leading them to a 4-2 record while averaging a state-best 33 points and 10 rebounds per game. In addition to his athletic achievements, he maintains a perfect 4.0 GPA.

Darrington-LoggersCLAIRE WRIGHT – Darrington Basketball (SR)

Claire Wright, a team captain and three-sport athlete, scored 63 points in Darrington’s last two games. She also recorded 36 rebounds and 17 steals. Wright is a leader both on the court and in the classroom. This week, she was named to the Volleyball 1st Team All-State and signed her letter of commitment to play softball at Bushnell University.

Spanaway-Lake-SentinelsDARIUS ALEXANDER – Spanaway Lake Basketball (JR)

Darius Alexander led Spanaway Lake boys basketball in all three games of their first week in the 4A division. Alexander led each game in both points and assists. In the first game, he put up 20 points, six assists, and seven steals. In game two, he scored 21, assisted on six baskets, and had three steals. In the third and final game of the week, the junior put up 27, six, and three. Alexander is currently a junior at SLHS who takes running start classes at Pierce College, works part time, and holds a 3.72 GPA.

Royal-KnightsLANCE ALLRED – Royal Football (SR)

In this past weekend’s 1A State Football Championship game at Husky Stadium in Seattle, Royal High School senior quarterback Lance Allred set a new tournament record with six touchdown runs. He finished the game with 21 carries for 203 yards and threw for 200 more and a score in the Knights’ 61-28 State Championship Title win.

Reardan-Screaming-EaglesMCKENNA BROOKS – Reardan Cheerleading (JR)

McKenna Brooks is taking on her third year as a varsity cheerleader for Reardan High School. She came into this sport as a freshman with no experience. Brooks has worked incredibly hard over the past few years to now be Reardan’s star flyer, dancer, and co-captain. She never misses a practice, team meeting, game, or performance. The Reardan cheerleaders are going to begin competing this year for the first time. Brooks has absolutely been an integral part of keeping the team focused, boosting their morale, and using her skills to boost her team’s progress. Not only does she assist in leading practices, she also helps come up with dances and cheers for the team. She is full of creativity and vision. She is a friend and leader to all of her teammates. Brooks is a wonderful student as well as an athlete.

Mount-Vernon-BulldogsLILY BROWN – Mount Vernon Cheerleading (SR)

Lily Brown is the ultimate student-athlete that gives absolutely everything she has to her sport. She goes above and beyond every single day to make Mount Vernon High School a better place. She is a positive role model on and off the sideline and has dedicated all four years to promoting athletics and school spirit. She is an uplifting, encouraging teammate that goes all out every time she cheers and performs.

Okanogan-BulldogsCARTER KUCHENBUCH – Okanogan Football (SR)

Okanogan senior Carter Kuchenbuch threw for four touchdowns and ran for another three in the Okanogan Bulldogs’ 52-21 State Championship victory over the Napavine Tigers. The six-foot-six Boise State commit also intercepted a pass on defense to help his team secure its third consecutive State Title.

Pullman-GreyhoundsGRACE KUHLE – Pullman Basketball (JR)

Grace Kuhle, a junior on the Pullman High School Greyhound girls basketball team, scored 37 points, hauled in eight rebounds, and copped six steals in her team’s game against Riverside on December 6.

Wilbur-Creston-WildcatsPRESTON MICHEL – Wilbur-Creston-Keller Football (SR)

Wilbur-Creston-Keller senior running back and linebacker Preston Michel capped a stellar career by helping lead the Wildcats to their first-ever State Football Title. Offensively, he had 40 carries for 230 yards and three touchdowns. On the defensive side of the ball, Michel had 15 total tackles–three solo, 10 assists, and two for loss–and two pass break-ups. Michel finishes his career with 6,602 yards rushing and 140 touchdowns, while being the first to give credit to his offensive line.

Black-Hills-WolvesTALON MORRILL – Black Hills Basketball (JR)

In the home-opener for Black Hills boys basketball, junior Talon Morrill returned as this year’s team captain after earning 2A all-league honors as an underclassmen. A 4.0 student, Morrill ended the game as the leader in points on the scoreboard and assists against Castle Rock. Morrill put up 21 points, five rebounds, five assists, three steals and three blocks. His statsheet-filling performance helped Black Hills come away with a 59-40 win over Castle Rock. Morrill has just started dunking and has an identical twin brother that’s right there, mirroring and matching him. Black Hills started the season with a blowout win against 4A Yelm.

Mark-Morris-MonarchsDALTON STEVENS – Mark Morris Basketball (SR)

Dalton Stevens, senior member of the Mark Morris boys basketball team, averaged 30 points per game this week in two wins. Against 3A competitor Mountain View, Stevens scored 40 points to become only the third Monarch ever to eclipse the 40-point threshold, following it up by scoring 20 against Rochester in less than 20 minutes of game action. He also spearheaded an event where the Mark Morris team put on a camp for individuals with developmental and cognitive disabilities. His on- and off-the-court contributions were unmatched by any player in the state this week. He was amazing in games, but his work in the community was unbelievable.

Tekoa-Rosalia-TimberwolvesALEXIS “LULU” TAYLOR – Tekoa-Rosalia Wrestling (SR)

Wrestling up 20 pounds at 190, Alexis “”Lulu”” Taylor won her weight class in the East Valley Girls Mix-and-Match Tournament on Thursday, December 5. She pinned all of her opponents — all from much larger Spokane-area schools with successful wrestling programs. Taylor did not give up a single point in the event. An undefeated senior, she is the team captain for the Tekoa-Rosalia Timberwolves wrestling team. Off the mat, she is “”Miss Tekoa,”” representing her community at numerous events, parades, festivals and fundraisers. She is a member of FFA, FCCLA, and Healthy Tekoa Coalition, and she represents her school in student government. Outside of wrestling, Taylor is a football cheerleader, cross country runner, and softball player. She also played volleyball as a freshman, sophomore, and junior. Taylor has been accepted to University of Montana, University of Idaho, and University of Akron (Ohio). She plans to pursue a degree in radiology technology and hopes to wrestle in college.

Meridian-TrojansAUDREY TERPSTRA – Meridian Bowling (SR)

Audrey Terpstra is a four-year letterman and two-year captain for the Meridian Trojans bowling team and has led the team to a 5-1 record to start the season. In the past week, Terpstra has become the all-time career total pin leader in school history and the first to surpass 11,000 total pins. Last year, she made a State appearance as an individual and currently leads the Meridian Trojans with a 247 pin-per-game average. In the past week, she has stepped it up and averaged 265 pins per game, leading the Trojans to a 3-0 record, including a school record total pin count of 1832 in a match against Jackson High School. Terpstra supports and lifts her teammates up and does whatever she can to help the team succeed and hopes to lead the Trojans to a State birth this season.

Liberty-(Issaquah)-PatriotsJACKSON WHITAKER – Liberty Basketball (JR)

Jackson Whitaker and the Liberty Patriots boys basketball team are off to a blazing start to their season. Whitaker started off the week scoring 40 points along with snagging three rebounds and three steals in a 78-61 tournament championship win against Lindbergh. He followed that performance with 37 points and nine rebounds in a 73-46 win against Renton. He finished up the week with 14 points, seven rebounds, three assists, and three steals in a 70-34 win against Kentlake. He averaged over 30 points per game over the stretch has helped guide the Patriots to a 4-0 record to begin the season. Whitaker also boasts a 3.44 GPA in the classroom and has shown excellent leadership skills for the Patriots.

COLTON ADAMS - King's Football (JR)

In two playoff games, King's junior Colton Adams accounted for 10 touchdowns playing quarterback. In the 1A State Football play-in game, Adams was 14-of-20 for 110 yards and two touchdowns, adding three two-point conversions. He also rushed for four touchdowns. In the next round of the playoffs, Adams went 15-of-19 for 234 yards and two more touchdowns, also running the ball for 105 yards and another pair of scores. Starting at safety on defense, he had 13 tackles."
TESSA ANASTASI - Lake Stevens Soccer (JR)

Tessa Anastasi helped lead the Lake Stevens soccer team to victory during the State Semifinal and Final soccer matches, registering two shutouts to help the Vikings earn their first State Title in school history. She came up huge in both games with double-digit saves, including 15 in the Championship game, withstanding high pressure from the opponent the entire game. One of Anastasi's key saves took place early on in the game, when a low cross was sent through the six-yard box. Tracking the ball across the field, she was able to deflect the point-blank shot with her feet. Not only did she come up huge countless times throughout the entire weekend, Anastasi's sportsmanship and poise helped her stand out as a special athlete. She also maintains a 4.0 this semester, demonstrating what a well-rounded student-athlete she is."
BILLY BOLTZINGER - DeSales Football (SR)

In DeSales' playoff game against Quilcene, running back and tight end Billy Boltzinger had 171 total yards and three total touchdowns: two rushing and one receiving. At linebacker, he had 10 total tackles, two tackles for loss, one forced fumble, one fumble recovery, and one blocked field goal attempt. The senior stepped up big time with his squad's starting running back playing limited minutes and starting quarterback out due to injury. Boltzinger is a great young man and team leader."
HERKY BRIGGS - Bellarmine Prep Tennis (JR)

Herky Briggs sailed through his junior tennis season as Bellarmine Prep’s top boys singles player, finishing the fall without dropping a single set. He always had a great attitude and demonstrated full effort in practice and matches, although his ability level usually far exceeded that of his opponents. Briggs won both the Puget Sound League and District Tournaments with ease, beating all of his opponents in straight sets. He is an excellent example of a high-achieving student-athlete who manages to stay grounded and still have fun playing tennis with kids at any level. He'll head to the State Tournament this coming spring."
PATRICIA HOPE EGRUBAY - North Thurston Soccer (SR)

Patricia Hope Egrubay, a senior athlete at North Thurston High School in Lacey, was a starter for the 2024-25 varsity girls soccer team, playing right wing striker. In her first game, she scored three goals in a 4-1 victory. Over the next few games, Egrubay had many assists, but unfortunately the team’s varsity goalkeeper was injured and was unable to continue in that position. Egrubay was asked to take over the goalie position because she had some previous experience. In the seven to eight games following, she played exceptionally well as the varsity goalkeeper. She made many amazing saves, sprinting several times to acquire the loose ball in the penalty box before the opposing team could shoot. Throughout her tenure in the goal, she stretched and dove left and right, making great saves. One of these outstanding saves took place during a penalty kick. Her leadership skills were evident frequently, as she used vocal cues to position her team’s fullbacks in defensive positions. "
OLIVIA HERMANN - Hanford Cheerleading (JR)

Olivia Hermann is a three-year varsity cheerleader for the Eagles of Hanford High School and is an excellent athlete and student. Her position on the team is that of point flyer, and, in that position, we have won two State Championships and recently qualified for the 2025 State Championship. Although winning is amazing, Hermann's leadership is astonishing. She is a strong young lady who excels not only on the mats and sidelines, but also in the classroom. She is well-respected by her peers and teammates and has a very strong moral compass. She has faced many challenges in her life and continues to strive for excellence and to be the best person she can be, not only for herself, but for those around her. She is an incredible young lady who is such an honor and blessing to coach."
HARPER MATSUMOTO - Nathan Hale Swim & Dive (SR)

Harper Matsumoto has overcome a number of injuries over the past few years. She became healthy enough to compete this year and had a great performance at State. She helped lead her relay medley to first place at State, placed second in the 200 free relay, and had two third-place finishes in both the 100 fly and 50 free."
LYDIA PETERSEN - Chelan Volleyball (SR)

Lydia Petersen has overcome a lot of adversity over the past few years. These past few weeks, but especially at the State Tournament, Petersen really owned her role as a leader and dominated the court in every State game. She never doubted that her team would be taking the gold ball back home with them. She was a huge factor in Chelan's undefeated season and State Tournament. Petersen has a calm presence and outstanding sportsmanship on the court, lifting her teammates. She is a wonderful role model and citizen of the community for all the young athletes that watch and/or interact with her."
CASH SHORT - Tumwater Football (SR)

In the quarterfinal matchup against Sehome, Tumwater senior Cash Short recorded a defensive touchdown, offensive touchdown, and a safety, all in a 10-minute span. This all began when the score was 0-0, catapulting the T-Birds to a 70-7 victory. Short didn't play in the second half but still finished the game with four rushes for 49 yards and a score, one reception for 19 yards, three sacks, an interception, a defensive touchdown, and a safety."
BECCA SKINNER - Clarkston Soccer (SR)

Clarkston senior Becca Skinner scored 123 goals in her career, a number that under 1% of high school students will reach in their careers. She scored three goals in a game on three different occasions and scored five in another, as well as being a 4.0 student and signing with WSU to play soccer next year."
"JACK STRANGE - Naselle Football (SR)

Naselle senior and team captain Jack Strange was named the Player of the Year in his league for the 2024 season. In Naselle's playoff matchup against Pomeroy, Strange had 24 carries for 300 yards and four rushing scores, alongside three catches for 96 yards and two more scores."
Kings-KnightsCOLTON ADAMS – King’s Football (JR)

In two playoff games, King’s junior Colton Adams accounted for 10 touchdowns playing quarterback. In the 1A State Football play-in game, Adams was 14-of-20 for 110 yards and two touchdowns, adding three two-point conversions. He also rushed for four touchdowns. In the next round of the playoffs, Adams went 15-of-19 for 234 yards and two more touchdowns, also running the ball for 105 yards and another pair of scores. Starting at safety on defense, he had 13 tackles.

Lake-Stevens-VikingsTESSA ANASTASI – Lake Stevens Soccer (JR)

Tessa Anastasi helped lead the Lake Stevens soccer team to victory during the State Semifinal and Final soccer matches, registering two shutouts to help the Vikings earn their first State Title in school history. She came up huge in both games with double-digit saves, including 15 in the Championship game, withstanding high pressure from the opponent the entire game. One of Anastasi’s key saves took place early on in the game, when a low cross was sent through the six-yard box. Tracking the ball across the field, she was able to deflect the point-blank shot with her feet. Not only did she come up huge countless times throughout the entire weekend, Anastasi’s sportsmanship and poise helped her stand out as a special athlete. She also maintains a 4.0 this semester, demonstrating what a well-rounded student-athlete she is.

DeSales-Fighting-IrishBILLY BOLTZINGER – DeSales Football (SR)

In DeSales’ playoff game against Quilcene, running back and tight end Billy Boltzinger had 171 total yards and three total touchdowns: two rushing and one receiving. At linebacker, he had 10 total tackles, two tackles for loss, one forced fumble, one fumble recovery, and one blocked field goal attempt. The senior stepped up big time with his squad’s starting running back playing limited minutes and starting quarterback out due to injury. Boltzinger is a great young man and team leader.

Bellarmine-Prep-LionsHERKY BRIGGS – Bellarmine Prep Tennis (JR)

Herky Briggs sailed through his junior tennis season as Bellarmine Prep’s top boys singles player, finishing the fall without dropping a single set. He always had a great attitude and demonstrated full effort in practice and matches, although his ability level usually far exceeded that of his opponents. Briggs won both the Puget Sound League and District Tournaments with ease, beating all of his opponents in straight sets. He is an excellent example of a high-achieving student-athlete who manages to stay grounded and still have fun playing tennis with kids at any level. He’ll head to the State Tournament this coming spring.

North-Thurston-RamsPATRICIA HOPE EGRUBAY – North Thurston Soccer (SR)

Patricia Hope Egrubay, a senior athlete at North Thurston High School in Lacey, was a starter for the 2024-25 varsity girls soccer team, playing right wing striker. In her first game, she scored three goals in a 4-1 victory. Over the next few games, Egrubay had many assists, but unfortunately the team’s varsity goalkeeper was injured and was unable to continue in that position. Egrubay was asked to take over the goalie position because she had some previous experience. In the seven to eight games following, she played exceptionally well as the varsity goalkeeper. She made many amazing saves, sprinting several times to acquire the loose ball in the penalty box before the opposing team could shoot. Throughout her tenure in the goal, she stretched and dove left and right, making great saves. One of these outstanding saves took place during a penalty kick. Her leadership skills were evident frequently, as she used vocal cues to position her team’s fullbacks in defensive positions.

Hanford-FalconsOLIVIA HERMANN – Hanford Cheerleading (JR)

Olivia Hermann is a three-year varsity cheerleader for the Eagles of Hanford High School and is an excellent athlete and student. Her position on the team is that of point flyer, and, in that position, we have won two State Championships and recently qualified for the 2025 State Championship. Although winning is amazing, Hermann’s leadership is astonishing. She is a strong young lady who excels not only on the mats and sidelines, but also in the classroom. She is well-respected by her peers and teammates and has a very strong moral compass. She has faced many challenges in her life and continues to strive for excellence and to be the best person she can be, not only for herself, but for those around her. She is an incredible young lady who is such an honor and blessing to coach.

Nathan-Hale-RaidersHARPER MATSUMOTO – Nathan Hale Swim & Dive (SR)

Harper Matsumoto has overcome a number of injuries over the past few years. She became healthy enough to compete this year and had a great performance at State. She helped lead her relay medley to first place at State, placed second in the 200 free relay, and had two third-place finishes in both the 100 fly and 50 free.

Chelan-Mountain-GoatsLYDIA PETERSEN – Chelan Volleyball (SR)

Lydia Petersen has overcome a lot of adversity over the past few years. These past few weeks, but especially at the State Tournament, Petersen really owned her role as a leader and dominated the court in every State game. She never doubted that her team would be taking the gold ball back home with them. She was a huge factor in Chelan’s undefeated season and State Tournament. Petersen has a calm presence and outstanding sportsmanship on the court, lifting her teammates. She is a wonderful role model and citizen of the community for all the young athletes that watch and/or interact with her.

Tumwater-T-BirdsCASH SHORT – Tumwater Football (SR)

In the quarterfinal matchup against Sehome, Tumwater senior Cash Short recorded a defensive touchdown, offensive touchdown, and a safety, all in a 10-minute span. This all began when the score was 0-0, catapulting the T-Birds to a 70-7 victory. Short didn’t play in the second half but still finished the game with four rushes for 49 yards and a score, one reception for 19 yards, three sacks, an interception, a defensive touchdown, and a safety.


BECCA SKINNER – Clarkston Soccer (SR)

Clarkston senior Becca Skinner scored 123 goals in her career, a number that under 1% of high school students will reach in their careers. She scored three goals in a game on three different occasions and scored five in another, as well as being a 4.0 student and signing with WSU to play soccer next year.

Naselle-CometsJACK STRANGE – Naselle Football (SR)

Naselle senior and team captain Jack Strange was named the Player of the Year in his league for the 2024 season. In Naselle’s playoff matchup against Pomeroy, Strange had 24 carries for 300 yards and four rushing scores, alongside three catches for 96 yards and two more scores.

Mount-Vernon-Christian-HurricanesGRACE VAN PELT – Mount Vernon Christian Soccer (SR)

Grace Van Pelt is the Mount Vernon Christian girls soccer team’s senior captain and goalkeeper. She is a top candidate for team MVP this season, as she has stepped up her game performance, contributing to a school record and personal record 12 clean sheets this season. During the Hurricanes’ second-place run in the State Tournament, she made 12 huge full-extension diving saves to keep each game within reach. During our State Semifinal match versus Crosspoint, she was pivotal in winning that game. To punctuate her performance she came up with two saves during the penalty shootout to let our kickers go to work. She was also selected for the sportsmanship award for that match. She gave all she could to keep the ball out of the back of the net against Freeman, with five saves in the Title match, but their quality in finishing prevailed. Regardless, Van Pelt wraps up her high school career with a second-place finish and having qualified for State every year she lettered. She is not only an awesome goalie but an even better young lady who cares deeply for her craft and her teammates. She excels in the classroom and manages her studies alongside her soccer very well. Next year she is attending George Fox University.”

Omak-PioneersFINLEY SACKMAN – Omak Volleyball (JR)

Omak junior Finley Sackman’s individual performance throughout this past volleyball season has been outstanding. They have consistently demonstrated exceptional skills, including powerful spikes, accurate serves, and strong defensive plays. Their ability to maintain composure under pressure and lead the team on the court showcases their dedication and talent. Secondly, Sackman has been a source of inspiration for their teammates. Their positive attitude and relentless work ethic have fostered a supportive team environment, encouraging others to push their limits. Even in defeat, they have shown resilience, reminding their teammates of the importance of growth and learning from every experience. Moreover, the junior’s contributions extend beyond individual statistics. They have exemplified sportsmanship and camaraderie, embodying the spirit of teamwork essential in sports. Their leadership qualities have not only helped improve the team’s performance but have also made a lasting impact on team dynamics. Finally, recognizing Sackman as Athlete of the Week serves as an acknowledgment of their hard work and dedication throughout the season. It highlights the importance of character and perseverance in sports, reinforcing that success is not solely measured by wins and losses, but by the effort and heart put into the game. In conclusion, Finley Sackman’s remarkable skills, leadership, and resilience make them a deserving candidate for Athlete of the Week, illustrating the true essence of athletics.

Crescent-LoggersDOM SPRAGUE – Crescent Football (SR)

The Loggers got 312 yards rushing from senior Dom Sprague, who played in his last game for Crescent this past week. Sprague ran the ball 31 times and had touchdown runs of 25, eight, and 16 yards. He also had 22 tackles on defense (12 assisted and 10 solo), a quarterback sack, a fumble recovery and defensive past deflection. His leadership will be missed on the team as he is a senior and will be hard to replace.

Northwest-Christian-(Lacey)-WolverinesRHEMA FERGUSON – Northwest Christian Volleyball (SR)

In Northwest Christian’s first State Tournament appearance since 2011, Rehma Ferguson was dominant. In the first round against Valley Christian, Ferguson propelled her team to a victory with 29 kills, six aces, 15 digs and one block. She finished the season with over 300 kills.

East-Valley-(Spokane)-KnightsBRIGID DINNEN – East Valley Swimming & Diving (JR)

Brigid Dinnen is a three-time State Champion in swimming as only a junior. As a freshman, she took first in the 200 Free. She won the 100 Back and 100 Free as a sophomore, taking second in the200 Free. This season, as a junior, she took first in the 100 Free and second in the 200 Free. Beyond that, Dinnen has a 4.0 cumulative GPA, is a leadership student at East Valley High School, and is a board member for the Ronald McDonald house in Spokane.

Freeman-ScottiesLOGAN SCHULTZ – Freeman Football (JR)

Logan Schultz is a quarterback and linebacker for the Freeman High School football team. In the Scotties’ first playoff game, he threw for 239 yards with three touchdowns. He also rushed for 93 yards and a touchdown. He is currently the state leader in passing yards for 2B and is ninth for all classifications.

Napavine-TigersCOLIN SHIELDS – Napavine Football (SR)

Colin Shields Scored six touchdowns in Napavine’s first round football victory last week en route to a 52-0 win. Shields had nine rushes for 82 yards and five rushing touchdowns. He also had a 61-yard interception return for a touchdown. In addition to this he had 28 receiving yards and 16 kick return yards.

Adna-PiratesLYDIA TOBIN – Adna Soccer (SR)

Lydia Tobin completed her high school soccer career this past week, leading Adna High School to a top-four league and district finish, as well as helping the Pirates advance to their 13th consecutive State Tournament. Tobin has been a starting athlete on the team since ninth grade, growing into a stronger player each year. She has been an all-league soccer athlete in the C2BL for two years now, as well as an all-area soccer athlete in Lewis County. Her leadership of teammates has been a bright spot, taking any player of any age under her wing to help make them a better player and teammate. Her dedication to the sport has been nothing short of amazing. She came close to resetting some of the school’s practically untouchable soccer records. Tobin finished this season with 27 goals and 13 assists, accounting for over half of the Pirates’ scoring output this season. In the classroom, she has been a dedicated student throughout her years, always finishing with high marks. Back on the field, Tobin has shown versatility with her ability to play any position on the field and to defend any of the opposing team’s best players. She has been able to play in any position assigned to her throughout the course of her career. She is one of those athletes that will be hard to replace – her performance AND her leadership.

Kennewick-LionsCANAAN HAYS – Kennewick Football (SR)

In Kennewick’s State playoff game against Enumclaw this past weekend, senior Canaan Hays finished with 29 carries for 165 yards rushing and four touchdowns. He also had two kick returns for 55 yards, as well as six solo tackles and three assists on defense.

University-TitansCARSYN GILDEHAUS – University Soccer (JR)

In the 3A State Soccer Tournament last week, University High School’s junior forward Carsyn Gildehaus led the 17th-seeded Titans to upset victories over #16 Moutain View and top-seeded Gig Harbor to make it to the quarterfinal game. Gildehaus scored four goals against Mountain View and scored a goal and had an assist in the game to take down Gig Harbor and advance to the quarterfinals.

Lakeside-(Seattle)-LionsVICTORIA GAO – Lakeside Voleyball (SR)

Victoria Gao is a four-year varsity player and two-year captain for Lakeside volleyball in Seattle. She played libero as a sophomore on the 2022 State Championship team. As a three-time first-team all-Metro and two-time Defensive Player of the Year award-winner, Gao broke Lakeside School’s dig record during her sophomore year with 372 digs in a season. She just got her 1000th dig in her varsity volleyball career four weeks ago. She is quick and takes on an increased share of the court in serve-receive, covering the floor and serving extremely tough. Gao is a determined and hardworking player and a leader who is happy to support her teammates and play the game she loves. Her enthusiastic attitude, communication, encouragement, and energy add a big impact to the team and her teammates. As a committed student, she takes the most challenging classes at school and maintains a 3.94 GPA. She also helped coach middle school volleyball and school volleyball summer camps.

Lake-Stevens-VikingsKEKOA OKIYAMA – Lake Stevens Football (JR)

Kekoa Okiyama is a junior at Lake Stevens High School and serves as the starting wide receiver and cornerback for the Vikings football team. He is a two-time 4A State Champion and continues to make an incredible impact on both offense and defense. This week, he played a pivotal role in a nail-biting game, making key receptions for major yardage and contributing crucial touchdowns that tied the game, setting the stage for his team’s thrilling last-second victory. His performance has helped propel the Vikings into the quarterfinals as they continue their pursuit of another State Title. Beyond his on-field achievements, Okiyama exemplifies what it means to be a dedicated and selfless teammate. He is not only an exceptional player but also a leader who prioritizes the well-being and success of his team and peers. His commitment, talent, and sportsmanship make him a deserving candidate for this recognition.

Issaquah-EaglesOLIVIA BRUNS – Issaquah Soccer (SR)

Senior captain Olivia Bruns has been doing it all for the Issaquah High School girls soccer team, helping lead the Eagles to an incredible resurgance. This past week, Bruns, a starting centerback, led a stingy back line that posted two shutouts against a pair of high-scoring teams, as the 13th-seeded Eagles upset fourth-seeded Chiawana 2-0 and fifth-seeded Skyview 3-0 in the first two rounds of the 4A State Tournament. In addition to guiding Issaquah to a pair of shutouts, Bruns also scored the game-winning goal against Chiawana when she scored the game’s first goal midway through the first half. After a tough regular season in which the Eagles went 3-7-1 in league play, Bruns has helped lead Issaquah to eight wins in its past nine games, including victories in five loser-out games, to send the Eagles to the State Semifinals for the fourth straight year. Issaquah has only allowed six goals in eight playoff matches and has not allowed a single goal thus far in the State Tournament.

Addisen Boyer- Oak Harber Soccer (SR)

Boyer has not only smashed records on the soccer field, but also on the track! This past Saturday, Boyer scored her 100th high school career goal, and continues to score in the post-season. Boyer, a team captain, has also helped lead her team to the District 1 Championships and a birth into the 3A State tournament. Along with all of her accolades on the field, she is truly an amazing captain and teammate who is dedicated to uplifting others on the team.

Lacee Williams – Sumner Swim & Dive (SR)

Senior Lacee Williams has put togethger an undefeated league season for the Sumner Swim and Dive team. Williams is also this seasons 4A District 3 diving champion.

Caleb Reed – Arlington Football (SR)

Senior Caleb Williams carried the ball 27 times for 309 yards to lead Arlington in a win over North Creek this week. Williams and the Arlington football team head into the State tournament Round of 16 this week.

Jacob Hopkins – Cascade Cross Country (JR)

Hopkins ran and won the Ambulatory state championship in Cross Country. Hopkins smashed the course record by 24 seconds and is a three time Champion in the ambulatory race. Each year at State, Hopkins has broke the previous course record.

Stella Petersen – Manson Volleyball (SR)

Petersen has played varsity all four years of high school, and as an outside hitter, has helped her team (Manson) accomplish great success during those years. During her high school career, Manson has been league and district champs every year- never dropping a league game. Petersen has led her league in kills and is not far behind our libero in digs. She has a powerful front row and back row swing, that is hard to return. She is a smart player who reads the court well, and when she is up against a tough team, uses a combination of strength and strategy to outplay them. During Petersne’s junior year, she helped lead her team to a state championship- the first ever championship win for Manson in any sport. Petersen made all league first team and player of the year the last two years, and just found out she is All League Player of the year again for the third year in a row. Petersen is approaching 1000 High School career kills this week, and has a chance to surpass this mark at the State tournament in Yakima.

Dexter Delaney – Liberty Bell Cross Country (SR)

Dexter Delaney defended his 2B Boys State Championship by turning in another standout performance, winning the race with a time of 15:30. His 1st place finish helped earn the Liberty Bell boys 6th place at State. Not only is Dexter a standout athlete, he excels in the classroom as well. His 4.0 GPA was key in earning the Liberty Bell boys cross country team an Academic State Championship. Next year, Dexter is headed to the University of Alaska Fairbanks, where he intends to study neuroscience while competing in skiing and running.

ANDRE WATSON – Sehome Football (SR)

Senior Andre Watson recorded 15 receptions, 345 yards and four touchdowns as a wide receiver in Sehome’s 48-17 win over Chief Sealth to help get his team to the state playoffs for the first time since 2018.

KAMRYN SKEITH – Sultan Volleyball (SR)

This week Skieth led the Sultan Turks Volleyball team to the state tournament for the first time since 1978 and only the second state appearance in program history. Skeith and the Turks entered the District 2 tournament as the 7th seed and earned wins over Cedarcrest (the number 1 seed) and a win over Lindbergh. For the tournament Skeith totaled 68 kills, 50 assists, 17 aces and 19 digs.

DIMAS SEPEDA-MONTOTO- WA School for the Deaf

Sophomore Dimas Zepeda delivered a standout performance that powered the Washington School for the Deaf to a 58-45 victory over Mary M. Knight on 11/07/2024. Zepeda was dynamic on offense, completing 7 of 11 passes for 150 yards and a touchdown with zero interceptions. On the ground, he was unstoppable, racking up 180 rushing yards on 16 carries, averaging 11.3 yards per carry, and scoring 4 rushing touchdowns. He also caught a pass for a 10-yard touchdown, amassing a total of 340 all-purpose yards. Zepeda’s defensive impact was equally impressive, with 8 tackles, an interception returned for 35 yards, and a forced fumble.

ISABELLA FINLEY – Inchelium Volleyball (SR)

Isabella Finley was named MVP of her league this year with an incredible season. In the last 3 seasons, Finley has 427 kills. Finley is described as a wonderful teammate and community member, volunteering with community events and always cheering on her team.

CASIE KLEINE – Castle Rock Cross Country (SR)

Kleine place 10th at the State Cross Country Meet this past weekend with a time of 19:33 (new PR). She is the first girl in the history of the Castle Rock Cross Country program to podium at the State Meet. Last year was her first year to run Cross Country and she placed 43rd at state with a time of 21:13. Her huge improvement is a testament to her hard work and dedication.

RYLAN HATMAKER – Cashmere Football (JR)

Hatmaker had yet another outstanding game on Friday versus Granite Falls. Hatmaker was 11-12 passing for 168yards and 5TDs. He has set school records in passing touchdowns in a season, passing touchdowns in a career, and passing yards in a season. Hatmaker’s remarkable QB play, as well as his unwavering leadership is a key reason why the Bulldogs earned a #4 seed into the 1A state tournament.

Southridge-SunsGABE BORISCH – Southridge Football (JR)

Gabe Borisch, junior running back on the Southridge High School football team, ran for 374 Yards on 31 Attempts and scored six touchdowns against Wenatchee on October 31.

Lake-Roosevelt-RaidersTERRELL BUSH – Lake Roosevelt Football (SO)

Sophomore Terrell Bush of the Lake Roosevelt Raider football team, put together 12 carries for 242 rushing yards and three touchdowns in a 40-35 victory over Tonasket.

Steilacoom-SentinelsAVA FIELD – Steilacoom Swim & Dive (JR)

Ava Field is ranked first in her league and has achieved State-qualifying times in all eight individual swimming events in 2024. She has broken two Steilacoom High School records and the league meet record for both individual events she competed in last week, winning every race.

Entiat-TigersNOAH FOGELSTROM – Entiat Football (SR)

In last Saturday’s football game versus Mabton, Entiat senior Noah Fogelstrom played with tremendous toughness and effort. He hauled in eight receptions for 187 yards and four scores, ran the ball three times for 63 yards and another touchdown, and racked up seven tackles on defense.

Granger-SpartansAMAREE GOLOB – Granger Volleyball (SO)

In a game last week, Granger sophomore Amaree Golob had five aces, 12 kills, 25 assists, and 23 digs. Golob has taken on the role of being team captain as a sophomore. She has also taken on the role of being her team’s only setter and leads the Spartans in assists, kills, and aces.

Klahowya-EaglesCARSON LANGGUTH – Klahowya Tennis (SR)

Klahowya senior Carson Langguth has just won back-to-back 1A District 3 Titles, this year as a singles player. As the No. 3 seed he dominated the competition, winning all of his matches in straight sets and only dropping five games throughout the Tournament.

Pateros-Billy-GoatsADAMARY LOYOLA – Pateros Volleyball (SR)

Over the past week, Adamary Loyola has showcased her exceptional talents, both on the volleyball court and in her academic pursuits. Her powerful serves that consistently pressure opponents have helped her team tremendously this past week as she averages 90% in her serving. Her precise passing also played a crucial role in executing effective plays, underscoring her vital presence on the team as a six-rotation player. This past week she had 20-plus digs against Entiat. Meanwhile, she successfully navigates her full Running Start college schedule and additional high school classes, balancing the demands of rigorous coursework while maintaining an impressive 3.97 GPA. This remarkable feat highlights her strong time management skills and unwavering dedication to both athletics and academics. Loyola’s ability to excel in both athletics and academics in such a short span truly exemplifies her commitment.

Puyallup-VikingsLUKE PARKER – Puyallup Football (SO)

As a quarterback, wide receiver, and defensive back for Puyallup High School, sophomore Luke Parker has helped lead his team to four straight victories. Parker was the starting free safety before taking over at quarterback when the starter got hurt. As a result, the Vikings now head to the playoffs with a 5-4 record, most recently beating Yelm 28-17 in a crossover game this past Friday. In that game, Parker went 9-for-17 for 186 yards and three touchdowns, also rushing the ball seven times for 78 yards and another score. In four games since he took over, the sophomore is 45-for-62 through the air for 866 yds and 15 touchdowns, completing 72% of his passes, with a 140.8 passer rating. He has also run the ball 24 times for 178 yards in that stretch. His selflessness and leadership and team-first attitude should be commended. He is literally willing his team to win, helping them to the playoffs, which seemed out of reach just a few weeks ago.

Aberdeen-BobcatsMICAH SCHROEDER – Aberdeen Football (JR)

Micah Schroeder had his second HUGE night in just three weeks this past Friday. Facing Black Hills in a pivotal game with Round of 32 implications on the line, the Aberdeen junior rushed for 278 yards on 35 carries, scoring three touchdowns and a two-point conversion. As a linebacker, he totaled eight tackles, one of which went for a loss, two tipped passes, and a quarterback hurry.

Bonney-Lake-PanthersLATHAM WEST – Bonney Lake Cross Country (JR)

Bonney Lake’s Latham West has a 4.0 GPA as a junior who is driven in everything she does. This year she placed fifth in the elite Hole in the Wall division, third at the John Payne and Bellermine invites, and first in every other race, including the SPSL League Championships and the 4A District 3/4 meet on Saturday.

University-PrepSOPHIE WHITTAKER – University Prep Volleyball (JR)

Sophie Whittaker has been on the varsity volleyball team all three years of her tenure at University Prep. She plays all the way around as an outside/DS. She is one of her team’s captains this year, and her teammates look up to her on and off the court. She brings so much energy into practice and during games. She averages about 10-to-15 kills per game and has been an essential player to keeping her school’s winning streak alive.

Auburn-Mountainview-LionsESTHER YU – Auburn Mountainview Golf (SO)

Esther is only a sophomore but already she holds the record for most eagles (3) and most birdies (37) in AMHS golf’s history. During the regular season matches, she was a medalist in 8 of the 10 matches, ending with 252 varsity points. She was the 3A NPSL Player of the Year scoring 5 under @ Gold Mountain after two days – lowest score of ALL players from 3A AND 4A BOYS and GIRLS. She shot par on day 1 and 5 under on day 2. With all this, she is a 4.0 student taking 4 AP classes. When she’s not on the golf course or studying, she’s volunteering at the Auburn Valley Humane Society to pursue her interest in becoming a vet.


SHAYLEE HAIJ – King’s Way Christian Soccer (SO)

Shaylee Haij, King’s Way Christian sophomore, scored two hat tricks on the soccer pitch this past week for a total of six goals. She also served as team captain for the season.


EMALIE JACOBY – Onalaska Volleyball (SO)

Sophomore captain Emalie Jacoby has broke three school records this past week: most aces in a career (200), most digs in a career (964), and most kills in a three-set match (33). In the last two matches played, Jacoby she has tallied 56 kills, 48 digs, and 10 aces. She continues to lead her team both on and off the court. She also maintains a 4.0 GPA and continues to give back to her community through coaching youth sports.


JACOB KUHN – Bellingham Tennis (SR)

Jacob Kuhn captured the District 1 Singles Championship for the Bellingham tennis team this past week, winning all four of his matches in straight sets to top off a perfect 20-0 season. He is the first boys singles player in the history of Bellingham High School to win a District Singles Championship.


KAITLYN LATENDRESSE – Gig Harbor Swim & Dive (JR)

Kaitlyn LaTendresse has had a noteworthy 2024-25 season. During the regular season, she was undefeated in all her individual races. She was a double winner at the 2024-25 Swimvitational, setting new meet records in both the 200 Freestyle (1:59.20) and 500 Freestyle (5:18.83). LaTendresse has qualified for the 3A WIAA State Championship Meet in both of those events. Her successes in the pool are the result of hard work, dedication, resilience, and the desire to compete against herself as well as her competition. She is an intelligent, mature, and energetic young woman who has earned great admiration and popularity among her peers.


ALEX MARTINEZ – Zillah Football (SR)

Zillah senior Alex Martinez totalled 408 yards in a 50-14 senior night victory over Wahluke this past Friday. He had 14 Carries for 280 yards to go with four catches for 128 yards and three touchdowns.


KALLIE PHON – Kentwood Golf (JR)

Kallie Phon earned the most points of anyone on the Kentwood High School girls golf team during regular season matches, scoring 245 points. She was the medalist at the second annual Kent All-City Tournament, shooting an even par 36 for nine holes. Meanwhile, at the season-ending NPSL Tournament at the Gold Mountain Golf Complex, she fired a three-under par total for 36 holes, coming in first place and earning All-League Player of the Year honors!


VINCENT RECUPERO – Bishop Blanchet Cross Country (SR)

Nationally ranked senior Vincent Recupero of Bishop Blanchet High School placed first overall at the 2A/3A/4A Metro League Championship Meet, setting a new 5K course record time at Lower Woodland Park in Seattle with a time of 14 minutes and 48 seconds. Recupero recently committed to Stanford University to pursue both his academic and cross country/track careers.


ZABDIEL RODRIGUEZ – Puget Sound Adventist Soccer (SR)

Senior Zabdiel Rodriguez has been having an outstanding soccer season. Rodriguez leads the league in scoring with 32 goals and four assists on the season, which also breaks the school record for most goals scored in a single season. The Puget Sound Adventist senior has had six games with a hat trick but maintains a humble and respectful demeanor in every game he plays. With the Sharks ranked top-10 in the state, Rodriguez should be primed for a fun postseason.


EBONI ROSE – Lindbergh Soccer (SO)

Eboni Rose is a sophmore on Lindbergh’s girls varsity soccer team. She’s a second-year captain and a leader on her team. She had four goals in this past week’s games and is the leading goal scorer with 17 on the season as the Eagles head into the playoffs. She’s helped the team compete in and win games as a leader on and off the field.


MYLINH SCHELL – Naselle-Grays River Volleyball (SR)

Mylinh Schell, senior captain and setter, helped lead Naselle-Grays River to both of their victories this past week. With 27 assists, nine aces, and 10 digs, Schell’s determination and leadership played a huge roll in taking down top-ranked Ocosta. Off the court, Schell is a 4.0 full-time running start student at Clatsop Community College. She has been accepted to George Fox University and plans to pursue nursing. Schell is also running the Operation Child ShoeBox Organization at her church, hoping to fill over 100 boxes, and is set to begin volunteering at the Crisis Pregnancy Clinic starting next month. She has the heart and grit of a true athlete and is often left on the court for all six rotations, as she brings fight and leadership to the team. She currently has 56 aces, 193 assists, and 98 digs on the season.



Joaquin Shanks Morales a junior at Orcas Island High School, known for his soccer capabilities and great work ethic. This past Saturday, Shanks Morales scored himself a hat-trick against the top-ranked school in the Seatac League, the Evergreen Lutheran Eagles. He has scored in the most pressure-induced games and now stands at the top of the stats list for his school with 11 total goals. He also earned his fifth ‘Man of the Match’ recognition for his performance. Overall Shanks Morales showed determination and great teamwork, leading Orcas to a 6-0 win.


JAYDEN WILLIAMS – Pasco Football (JR)

Jayden Williams is a junior that has developed into a leader for us on the field at Pasco High School. Pasco is having a rough year but got their first win this past Friday against Hermiston, with Williams posting 137 total yards, two rushing touchdowns, and a receiving score. Defensively, he was a menace all game long, totalling six tackles and an interception, all while putting constant pressure on the quarterback. Williams also had three kickoff returns for over 90 yards. His impact on the game was felt at every level of the game.


CASSIDY ARMSTRONG – Ballard Cross Country (JR)

Over this past weekend, Cassidy Armstrong won the Hole in the Wall cross country invite. In the process, she beat last year’s State Champion, along with the second- and third-place finishers. With a time of 16:43.4, she was one-tenth of a second away from the course record. Armstrong is currently ranked in the top 10 in the nation in the 5000-meter race and has already set course records at Lower Woodland and the Fort Steilacoom Invitational.


BRIDGET BRENNAN – Hockinson Soccer (JR)

Bridget Brennen scored seven goals and had one assist to help Hockinson win two league soccer games against local rivals. In addition she carries a 4.0 GPA and recently received her Eagle Scout with the Scouts. Against Woodland, Brennan scored four of her team’s six goals. Against rival Washougal, she scored three of her team’s four goals and assisted on the other.


DRENYN CHITTENDEN – Washington Golf (SR)

Drenyn Chittenden is a full-time running start student who also takes an Aerospace Manufacturing course at Washington High School, in addition to his college course work. Chittenden placed first in league, finished second in the League Tournament, earned fIrst-team all-league honors, and notched his second trip to the State Golf Championships this spring. He was also named the SPSL Boys Golfer of the Year.


LAYNE DENT – Cascade Christian Volleyball (SR)

Senior Layne Dent, a six-foot-two outside hitter for the Cougars of Cascade Christian, has once again earned another pair of volleyball statistical “double-doubles” after leading her team to two victories this past week. She has now recorded “double-doubles” statistically in seven of her team’s 16 contests. On October 14, in a win against Life Christian, she totalled 19 kills and 12 digs. On October 16, taking down Seattle Christian, she put up 14 kills and 12 digs, Dent is the team captain and a full-rotation player, playing all six positions. She demonstrates remarkable ability at every position and possesses an outstanding vertical leap, quickness, speed, and athleticism. Dent is a Division 1 commit to St. Mary’s in Moraga, California. Her current season stat totals through 16 games are the following: 253 kills, 132 digs, 30 blocks, and 23 services aces.


DENVER HUTCHENS – Dayton Football (SO)

Denver Hutchens was thrown to 10 times and completed nine catches, which accounted for 230 yards receiving and five touchdowns, averaging 25.5 yards per catch, with his longest reception being a 61-yard touchdown. One of his five touchdown catches came on a deflection off of the hands of a different receiver, leading to a 51-yard touchdown for Hutchens. He finished with 241 yards total in a 34-26 comeback victory. Defensively, Hutchens plays left side defensive end, where he had 11 tackles and one fumble recovery.


ANIKA LAMAS – Highland Soccer (SR)

Anika Lamas embodies the WIAA Athlete of the Week profile. She has led the Highland Scotties over the past three years as a captain and is a huge reason for her team’s defensive success this season. The Scotties are 6-0 going in league and have allowed just three total goals while achieving five shutouts. Lamas has scored two goals this past week while only allowing four total shots on goal. Defense can be a thankless job, and she welcomes the opportunity to play it without needing the glory of statistics. Lamas is the heart and soul of Highland’s defense, allowing them to be competitive in each and every match while not losing sight of the fact that an athlete is a student first.


KAIDYN KAI MAIOHO – Wilbur-Creston-Keller Volleyball (SR)

Wilbur-Creston-Keller High School senior Kaidyn Maioho is a four-year varsity volleyball athlete who strives to encourage and uplift others on the court and in her school community. Maioho is committed to her team and sport, along with having a passion for being involved in school activities that promote equality and unity for her peers. She has a positive effect on others and seeks out ways to give back to her community through volunteerism. She balances working and staying in excellent academic standing and the honor roll. On the court, Maioho plays both offense and defense as a middle and outside hitter/blocker, as well as middle back defender. She has a current career high of 862 Kills, 93 blocks, 153 aces, 394 digs, and 454 assists. While Maioho is proud of her accomplishments, she first attributes all her successes to her teammates, knowing that without them her passion and love for the game would not prosper. She also finds joy in mentoring young athletes in their physical education programs and strives to be a good role model for them to look up to. She’s an all-around player, whose presence on the court leads her teammates to better themselves.


KAI MUELLER – Curtis Tennis (JR)

This last week, Curtis junior Kai Muller won his second SPSL singles title in a row. After completing a season with one loss leading up to the league tournament, he cruised to the final without dropping a set. Starting the final down 4-1 he fought back to win the first set 6-4. finally, he secured the second set 6-4 before winning the league championship in straight sets. In addition to his second league title, Mueller is a model student-athlete, maintaining a 3.77 GPA this semester while enrolling in five AP classes. He is a two-time first-team All-SPSL player and went 15-1 against league opponents this season, winning over 85% of the total games played.


SOPHIA PEARSON – Inglemoor Slowpitch Softball (SR)

Sophia Pearson had a huge district tournament, helping the Inglemoor slowpitch softball team qualify for the State Tournament for the first time in program history. In two games, she had six hits and totaled 12 RBIs on the day, five in the first game, then seven in game two, including an inside-the-park grand slam in the district championship. She also made some key defensive plays at shortstop to help her team in big moments of each game. She was the best player out there this past Saturday.


HAILEY WEILER – Kennedy Catholic Swimming & Diving (JR)

Hailey Weiler continued her dominance for Kennedy Catholic this past week in the pool, achieving three State cuts last week to bring her total to seven for the season. In her 50 free she broke the school record with an impressive 24:07. In the classroom Weiler is equally impressive, carrying a 4.0 with AP and honors classes. As a teammate, she is often seen cheering on a Lancer team that finished the regular season 7-0, finishing first in the NPSL.


JODELL WIMBERLY – Neah Bay Football (SR)

Throughout his high school career, Jodell Wimberly has had an amazing rush-yards-per-game average. In Neah Bay’s 44-0 win against Lummi this past week, Wimberly carried the ball 10 times for 120 yards and four touchdowns. He’s been breaking records for B schools in Washington for rushing yards and touchdowns.


JETT WINGER – Lakeside Football (JR)

Jett Winger had an incredible night this past Friday, scoring four total touchdowns. The Lakeside junior had a three-yard run, 37-yard reception, 78-yard interception return, and opening kick off return for a touchdown, reaching pay dirt in all three phases of the game. Winger also kicks for his team and is an outstanding human.


AUSTIN CLARK – West Valley (Spokane) Football (SR)

Austin Clark had 28 carries for 333 yards and eight touchdowns in West Valley’s 58-44 win on the road against Clarkston.



Sophomore forward Sienna DiCristina scored four goals and had an assist in Kalama’s league win against Castle Rock and now leads the team with 15 goals on the season. DiCristina followed up her success on the field with an induction into the National Honor Society the next day. She has a 4.0 GPA with the ultimate goal of attending Harvard University after graduation.


ALEXIS ESSER – Silas Swimming & Diving (SR)

Alexis Esser is undefeated this year in every one of her races, including the 200m and 400m relays. She has set personal records in her primary events, the 100m and 200m free, and has district qualifying times in all eight individual events. She is an integral part of the team and helped Silas beat Stadium, their 4A cross-town rival, for the first time in five years. Her anchor leg of the 400m relay solidified the win by making up over 4 body lengths over the last 100 meters,swimming an impressive 55 to finish. She’s a team captain, and a great leader.


ABDUL GILBERT – Hazen Football (SR)

Abdul Gilbert had 21 carries for 337 yards rushing and six touchdowns in Hazen’s victory over Redmond. The 337 rushing yards is believed to be a single-game rushing record for Hazen High School.


TAYLOR GILBERT – Pomeroy Volleyball (SR)

Team captain Taylor Gilbert had great outings last week, helping her team win two straight-set matches against Waitsburg on Tuesday and at Colton on Thursday. Gilbert went 10-for-11 serving with six aces while tallying 10 kills against Waitsburg and 13-for-13 serving with two aces and four kills, nine digs, and two blocks at Colton. Her team is now 7-3 in League and 8-3 overall, looking toward the post season.


ELIZABETH HEINZ – Eastmont Slowpitch Softball (SR)

Senior Elizabeth Heins had an amazing week last week in a double-header to help clinch a Big 9 Slowpitch Softball Co-Championship with Moses Lake. Heinz made several defensive plays, including a diving catch in center field. Offensively, she went 10-for-11 with a slugging percentage of 2.636. She had nine RBIs, scoring 11 runs. She had six home runs and a game-winning walk-off homerun in the bottom of the seventh against Moses Lake. She was intentionally walked three times as well. Her on-base percentage was .929. Eastmont went 3-1 this week. Defensively she had multiple diving catches.


ABE JONES – Cascade Christian Soccer (FR)

Abe Jones serves as a freshman varsity starting goalkeeper for the Cascade Christian Academy soccer team. In one game last week, Jones managed 41 saves. Only a freshman, he is an instrumental part of the team, holding down the only goalkeeper spot on the team. Jones also serves as freshman class president.


ADDISON KELLER – La Conner Volleyball (JR)

Junior libero Addison Keller had a stellar week for La Conner, serving up 14 aces, posting 56 digs, and adding 62 receptions. Keller’s consistency in the back row helps keep her team in matches and sets a solid foundation for the offense.


JUDAH KELLY – Morton-White Pass Football (SR)

Senior Judah Kelly ran for 313 yards last week, scoring seven rushing touchdowns to set a new school record. He also threw for two scores in Morton-White Pass’s 76-42 victory over Winlock. Kelly led the team with 19 tackles on the defensive side of the ball.


LEXIE MASON – Burlington-Edison Volleyball (SR)

Lexie Mason is leading the Burlington-Edison varsity volleyball team in kills, averaging 5.0 kills per set, and is second in digs with 3.1 per set. She has already totaled 256 kills for the season and is now Burlington-Edison’s all-time career leader with 1,576. Last week she led our team with 30 kills in two three-set matches. She was also just recently named Skagit Valley Herald’s Athlete of the Week, was nominated as homecoming royalty queen, and has a 3.57 GPA while attending Skagit Valley College as a part-time running start student.


GRADY MILLAR – Mountain View Golf (SR)

In the past week, senior Grady Millar won the first ever Clark County Cup, shooting a 69 (-3), and his last ever high school match, shooting a 68 (-4) in Kelso. He is committed to play college golf at the University of Washington and is the top-ranked golfer in the state.


ETHAN SCHWAN – Skyline Golf (SO)

Skyline sophomore Ethan Schwan broke a school record and recorded the second-lowest score in KingCo history, shooting a six-under par score of 30 in a golf match against Hazen at the Maplewood Golf Course.

Lynden-Lions SAM ARANGO – Lynden Football (SO)

Sam Arango, sophomore wide receiver for the Lynden Lions, had six catches for 144 yards, a 36-yard touchdown, and two two-point conversions, all in the fourth quarter of a 16-point come-from-behind win against Sehome this past week.

Lind-Ritzville-Sprague-Washtuchna-BroncosBRODY BONESS – Lind-Ritzville-Sprague Football (SR)

Brody Boness rushed for 289 yards on 35 carries with five touchdowns in Lind-Ritzville-Sprague’s 34-13 league win against Reardan. He also had one forced fumble on defense playing linebacker.

Central-Valley-BearsBEAU BUTNER – Central Valley Football (SR)

Beau Butner broke the Greater Spokane League single-game rushing record in a 66-35 win against Ridgeline this past week. He rushed for 367 yards, breaking the 21-year-old record set by Scott Campbell in 2003. He had touchdown runs of 8, 28, 58, 79, 72, and 4 yards.

Lakes-LancersBRAELYN CAREY – Lakes Soccer (JR)

Lakes junior Braelyn Carey has had back-to-back games in which she scored four goals! Carey has been the person the other team has focused on stopping and was still able to score eight goals in those two games. She has played her heart out so far this season. Her season will end early, but she has worked to be the best she can for her team each and every game. She is a running start student who sets the bar high both academically and athletically. Baker leads the state in points (47) and goals (23) on 38 shots. She has five hat tricks including four four-goal games, including a four-goal game against the number five team in the state.

Eisenhower-CadetsKIAN COMPTON – Eisenhower Cross Country (SO)

Eisenhower cross country sophomore Kian Compton is off to a hot start in 2024. After running a 15:52 as a freshman and a crazy good track season last year, this past week he ran a massice personal record with a 15:27 5k. Compton also qualified for junior nationals in cross country skiing after only a couple of years in the sport. On top of all this, he is extraordinarily kind to everyone, and his sportsmanship is top tier.

Chiawana-RiverhawksBRAXTON FELDMANN – Chiawana Football (SR)

Chiawana senior running back Braxton Feldmann rushed for 311 yards on 15 carries with five touchdowns versus Southridge this past week. He is also a 4.0 student.

Soap-Lake-EaglesSAGE HART – Soap Lake Volleyball (JR)

Sage Hart has become a leader on the Soap Lake volleyball team in three different capacities. She is a leader academically, continually earning straight-As throughout the year, as a team captain, and athletically. She had put up some impressive stats in 2024, including 15 kills in one game and a total of 25 for the season. She is a top-tier passer and server as well.

Montesano-BulldogsKAILA HATTON – Montesano Volleyball (SR)

Kaila Hatton tallied 106 digs and 55 kills over the course of three games between September 25 and October 1. She also has a 96% service percentage over the course of those games.
She totalled 24 kills and 40 digs against Hoquiam, 39 digs and 15 kills against Tenino, and 16 kills and 27 digs against Raymond.

Wenatchee-PanthersKYLAH MADARIAGA – Wenatchee Cross Country (SR)

Kylah Madariaga continued her amazing season this past week by first winning Wenatchee’s first CBBN League meet, following it up with a second-place finish at the prestigious Nike Portland XC Invite this past Saturday. Madariaga only took second by 0.3 seconds, and the winner of the race broke both the course and meet record in a meet that has featured many future Olympians. Madariaga’s time of 17:17 for 5k currently ranks her first in Washington for 4A, third overall across all classifications in the state, and 39th in the nation. She is also a team captain and outstanding student.

Overlake-OwlsRISHI SANYAL – Overlake Tennis (JR)

When participating in the Curtis Cup, an invitational with some of the best tennis teams in the state, junior Rishi Sanyal led The Overlake School to a victory for the first time in school history. Despite being seen as the underdogs when compared to bigger schools like Jackson, Curtis, and Camas, Overlake managed to win in a penalty-style tiebreaker. Sanyal won all three of his group stage matches and both matches in the semifinal and final. When the team score was 3-3, he defended four out of five points, clutching the win for Overlake.

Centralia-TigersMCKENNA SMITH – Centralia Volleyball (JR)

Centralia junior McKenna Smith put together a stellar all-around game this past week, tallying 22 digs, 22 assists, 11 kills (with no hitting errors and a .611 hitting efficiency), four aces, two solo blocks and two block assists in a tight five-set loss. Smith is a captain and setter in a 6-2 offense and is a six-rotation player. She is a committed student-athlete who balances running start at Centralia College and classes at the high school while maintaining a 3.89 GPA overall.

Saint-George's-DragonsREGAN THOMAS – Saint George’s Cross Country (JR)

Saint George’s junior Regan Thomas took second at the Battle for the 509 Invitational in a time of 18:16.9. Thomas’ time puts her at the top of the 1B/2B rankings and is top-25 in the Washington state all-classification rankings.

R.-A.-Long-Lumberjacks MALIA BYRNES – R.A. Long Slowpitch Softball (JR)

Malia Byrnes went 8-for-12 in three games this past week. She also slugged 1.000 with four extra base hits. She leads the team with 19 RBIs through eight games. She also pitched amazingly, throwing 70% strikes and walking only two batters in three games. In the three games, R.A. Long only allowed seven total earned runs.

Coupeville-Wolves TEAGAN CALKINS – Coupeville Volleyball (JR)

Teagan Calkins cranked a career-high 19 kills on Thursday, September 26, as Coupeville claimed a straight-sets win against Darrington in a battle of undefeated teams. Calkins, nicknamed “”The Red Dragon,”” who added six digs against the Loggers, leads Coupeville High School in kills this season while playing on the right side of the floor. Her team is 5-0 overall and sits alone at the top of the Northwest 2B/1B League with a 4-0 mark, having won all 15 sets it has played. Calkins, a three-sport star and stellar student, is also a standout basketball and softball player for the Wolves.

Ridgeline-Falcons LANDON GARNER – Ridgeline Football (SR)

Landon Garner completed 22 of 28 passes for 367 yards and six touchdowns and no interceptions in Ridgeline’s 48-44 win against previously unbeaten Shadle Park. During the game, he surpassed NFL Super Bowl-winning quarterback Mark Rypien on the Greater Spokane League career passing yards list to become second all time.

Lindbergh-Eagles DAYMARION HENDERSON – Lindbergh Football (SR)

Offensively, senior Daymarion Henderson ran for 261 yards on 23 carries and three touchdowns, also adding a two-point conversion. He averaged 11.3 yards per carry. Defensively, Henderson had 12 tackles — 10 solo and two assisted — and two tackles for loss. He also had one quarterback pressure and an interception. He was a huge contributor in Lindbergh’s 22-8 win over Sammamish.

Seattle-Academy-Cardinals SADIE HONIG – Seattle Academy Cross Country (SR)

Senior Sadie Honig broke Seattle Academy’s 5k record in a time of 18:45, becoming the first girl Cardinal athlete to run under 19:00.

Woodinville-Falcons CASEY LARSON – Woodinville Football (SR)

This past week, Casey Larsen had four Touchdowns in Woodinville’s game against Eastlake. He had two rushing, one receiving, and one punt return for a score. He totaled 195 all-purpose yards and added a 30-yard interception on defense.

Annie-Wright-Gators FEMKE LAUDY – Annie Wright Soccer (SR)

Last week, Femke Laudy recorded eight goals and had two assists in only two games played, despite being double- or even triple-teamed by defenders. In four total games this season, Laudy has either scored or assisted on 19 of Annie Wright’s 23 goals.

Bellevue-Christian-Vikings JUSTYN PETERHANS – Bellevue Christian Cross Country (SR)

Senior Justyn Peterhans finished in first place with a time of 15:51 at the Return of the Salmon Invite hosted by Sultan High School. His time set a new Bellevue Christian cross country school record. Peterhans is a leader of the XC team by being a team captain as well as a leader in the classroom, where he maintains a 3.927 GPA.

Freeman-Scotties RYLEE RUSSELL – Freeman Soccer (JR)

On September 24, Freeman High School took on Northwest Christian in a matchup of the second- and fifth-ranked 2B girls soccer teams in the state, according to WIAA RPI. Freeman won 4-3, with junior Rylee Russell scoring three goals and assisting on the fourth. Then, on September 26 against Upper Columbia Academy, she had an additional four goals. Freeman is in first place, ranked second in RPI, and ranked first by MaxPreps.

Pomeroy-Pirates JETT SLUSSER – Pomeroy Football (SR)

Senior Jett Slusser rushed for 345 yards and a school record eight touchdowns as the Pomeroy Pirates defeated SE1B Wheat Division foe Garfield-Palouse 68-42 on Friday, September 27. Slusser also went 7-for-12 passing for 129 yards to add to his impressive game, totaling a jaw-dropping 56 points. He also intercepted a pass on defense and recovered three onside kicks on the day.

Sound-Christian-Lions ANNIKA WEEDON – Sound Christian Volleyball (JR)

Junior Annika Weedon is a tough person to spike on. She currently leads the Sound Christian Lady Lions Volleyball Team in blocks. At their last game versus Northwest Christian (Lacey), Weedon had 11 successful blocks, with only four errors. The Lions have played 14 sets this year, and Weedon is already at 22 blocks for the season, closing in on the 52 she had last season. Currently, the junior is ranked third in Washington for blocks, as well as first in the Sea-Tac League.

Hazen-Highlanders ZOE WONG – Hazen Soccer (SO)

Sophomore Zoe Wong had five goal contributions this week against Juanita and Sammamish. She managed to do this while being moved around the field at center, mid, and forward, scoring three goals with two assists, helping her team win both games. Wong is also leading the team in goals and assists this season.

Washougal-Panthers MASON ACKER – Washougal Golf (SR)

Washougal’s Mason Acker shot a school record four-under on Monday, September 16, against Ridgefield High School on the back nine at Orchard Hills, which involves three par threes, three par fours, and three par fives. He stood up to a very challenging course and executed when it mattered, leading Washougal to victory.

Juanita-Ravens-Blue MOLLY BENSON – Juanita Slowpitch Softball (SR)

Senior Molly Benson had a week to remember. In two games this past week, she went 5-for-7 with four runs and 10 RBIs, belting three run home runs, one of which was a walk-off grand slam. Not only did she shine on offense, she also tore it up on the defense, with multiple plays at second base, including a pair of 6-4-3 double plays and one unassisted. Her play on the field helped lead the Juanita slowpitch team to two victories for the week.

Newport-(Bellevue)-Knights BRAYDEN HOWARD – Newport (Bellevue) Football (SR)

This past Friday, senior Brayden Howard broke a Newport High School record dating back to 1967 for receptions in a game, hauling in 14 catches in his team’s 42-25 win over Cedarcrest. He also put up 185 yards and scored two touchdowns, adding in an 84-yard kickoff return for a score.

Toledo-Riverhawks KAILEA LAIRSON – Toledo Soccer (SO)

Sophomore Kailea Lairson plays a defensive mid position and still managed to score three goals and an assist in Toledo’s games against Columbia (Burbank) and Mabton this past week. A very strong player and leader, Lairson totaled three goals and an assist in just two games, with one of her goals coming on a self corner kick.

Cedar-Park-Christian-Eagles ISAAC MONTANES – Cedar Park Christian Cross Country (SR)

Cedar Park Christian senior Isaac Montanes competed at the Mook Invitational, improving his own 5k school record by 25 seconds with a time of 15:30. He led his team to a seventh-place finish, the best by a 1A or smaller school. His performance also aided in a new school best 1-5 team time.

Kelso-Hilanders KARMYNN PETRISOR – Kelso Slowpitch Softball (JR)

Junior Karmynn Petrisor is a standout as Kelso slowpitch softball’s number one pitcher, maintaining a 74.24 strike percentage over four games. This high level of control is crucial in slowpitch softball, where consistently throwing strikes is key to limiting scoring opportunities for the opposing team. Her fielding is also strong, as she currently holds a .917 fielding percentage, reflecting her ability to effectively handle defensive plays from the mound. At the plate, Petrisor is a significant offensive force, maintaining a .750 batting average and an impressive 1.500 slugging percentage, which includes a home run. These stats are particularly important in slowpitch, where the ability to hit for both average and power can dramatically influence the outcome of the game. All of these accomplishments have been achieved within just four games, underscoring her pivotal role in Kelso’s early-season success.

Mercer-Island-Islanders OWEN POWELL – Mercer Island Cross Country (SR)

Owen Powell won the renowned Woodbridge Classic in a national record time of 13:30.3 across three miles. It was an epic race where he edged out Josiah Tostenson at the finish line by 0.2 seconds, with both runners breaking the previous national record by eight seconds. Powell, a senior on the Mercer Island cross country team, is the defending State Champion, having won the 2024 Gatorade Athlete of the Year award in track for his 800m and 1600m State Titles.

Oakville-Acorns DANIEL RODAS-ESCALANTE (SR) – Oakville-North River Football

Senior Daniel Roda-Escalante was just selected as the Seahawks NFL Latino Youth Male Honoree. He posted some amazing stats from Oakville-North River’s win this past Friday, racking up 12 catches for 197 yards and three touchdowns. He also ran for a touchdown and recorded four tackles and an interception on defense. Rodas-Escalante is an amazing young man who has grown and matured so much over the past year. He is a leader on campus and on the field and strives to be his best self.

Toppenish-Wildcats NAYLANEE STROM – Toppenish Volleyball (SR)

Senior Naylanee Strom is a four-year varsity player and three-year captain. After guiding Toppenish to its first State birth in 30 years last year as a 1A school, she’s already helped the Wildcats find more success this year in the 2A classification.This past Saturday, Strom helped her team earn the #4 seed championship at the SunDome 2A, 3A, 4A festival, before coming back on Tuesday and dropping 40 assists, six kills, 12 digs, four aces, and a block to lead the Wildcats to their first victory at East Valley in 20-plus years. She recorded her 200th career ace at the SunDome and is about 100 assists away from 2000 career assists at a Wildcat!

Colville-Crimson-Hawks RACHEL STUTZER-FERRELL – Colville Volleyball (SR)

Rachel Stutzer-Ferrell is one of the Colville High School volleyball team’s varsity setters. She has not missed a practice or game. Her work ethic is unmatched, and she is determined to make this season the best one yet. She dedicates her time to helping underclassmen and mentors another athlete on the varsity team. Her statistics for volleyball include a 97% serving percentage and average of 16 assist sets a game. She also averages three digs per game.

Ocosta-Wildcats BRISTOL TOWLE – Ocosta Soccer (FR)

This past week, Bristol Towle played two games for the Ocosta Wildcats. She scored five goals and added two assists in a match against Raymond-South Bend and then tacked on four more goals and another assist against Ilwaco, totaling nine goals and three assists in two games.

Toutle-Lake-Fighting-Ducks HUNTER WALL – Toutle Lake Football (SR)

On defense this past week, Toutle Lake senior Hunter Wall had two sacks, a fumble recovery, eight tackles, and two tackles for loss. Also playing right tackle, Wall lived up to his namesake, paving the way for two running backs to rush for over 100 yards while not allowing a sack or pressure all game.

North-Mason-Bulldogs CADEN ATENCIO – North Mason Football (JR)

Caden Atencio, junior running back for the Bulldog football team of North Mason High School, ran wild this on the Buccaneers of Kingston this past weekend. Rushing for 212 yards and four scores, Atencio was a one-man wrecking crew behind his immovable offensive line. He also had five solo tackles on defense. Atencio now has six touchdowns on the young season.

Oak-Harbor-Wildcats CONNOR CASH – Oak Harbor Football (SR)

Connor Cash was locked in throughout the second weekend of the 2024 football season. The senior completed 11 of his 12 passes for 240 passing yards and three passing touchdowns in Oak Harbor’s victory over Ferndale. He also added a rushing touchdown and capitalized on a successful two-point conversion to lead the Wildcats past the Eagles 32-29.

Pateros-Billy-Goats COCO CRONIN – Pateros Soccer (FR)

Pateros freshman Coco Cronin scored seven goals in two games this past week, leading the Billygoats to two victories. In their first matchup against the Mountain Lions of Liberty Bell High School, Cronin scored three goals in a 4-2 victory. In the second game, an 8-1 win against Manson, she added four more goals.

Asotin-Panthers PETER EGGLESTON – Asotin Football (SR)

In the Asotin Panthers’ week two victory at River View, senior Peter Eggleston ran the ball 13 times for 293 yards and three rushing touchdowns. He added an additional 107 yards on kickoff returns, including an 80-yard return for a score — his second 80-yard return touchdown in two weeks. He totaled 400 all-purpose yards and four touchdowns, also racking up seven tackles and two sacks on defense. In the first two weeks of the season, Eggleston has over 800 all-purpose yards and six touchdowns.

Mount-Si-Wildcats CHARLIE GAFFNEY – Mount Si Golf (SR)

Charlie Gaffney is the number one golfer on the Mount Si boys team, and, after tying for first at State in May 2024, he is off to a TEAR in his first three matches of 2024. A medalist in all three of his competitions, Gaffney has shot two-under, two-under, and three-under over nine holes to lead the Wildcats to convincing victories. He is the KingCo leader in all categories.

Peninsula-Seahawks ELEKTRA HIGGINS – Peninsula Cross Country (SR)

Peninsula senior Elektra Higgins won her race at the Olympia XC Classic this past week, setting a new course record in the process. She also owns the record in the Junior Division, which she sat last year.

Prosser-Mustangs ABIGAIL JENSON – Prosser Soccer (SR)

Prosser senior Abigail Jenson has shown her community that she is one of the top girls goalkeepers out there. Including the three games the Mustangs played last week, Jensen has a clean sheet through all six contests her squad has played so far. She acts like a captain on and off the field.

Ilwaco-Fishermen MADISON KEY – Ilwaco Volleyball (JR)

Madison Key is an overall great teammate and athlete. She is the middle blocker on the Ilwaco High School varsity volleyball team and had 28 kills in her most recent home match. She is always kind and has the best attitude, even when her team is behind.

Stadium-Tigers SAMARA KULA – Stadium Swim & Dive (SO)

Sophomore Samara Kula, Stadium High School swimmer, won every race at her first meet of the season against Auburn this past Thursday. She took first place in the 100 back, 50 free, and both relays in which she participated.

Elma-Eagles ISAAC MCGAFFEY – Elma Football (JR)

During week two of the 2024 football season, Elma junior quarterback Isaac McGaffey completed 12 of his 18 passes for 133 yards and four touchdowns. He also intercepted three passes on defense, accumulating 98 yards on the returns.

Odessa-Tigers CORBYN NEILSEN – Odessa Football (SR)

This past Friday Corbyn Neilsen put together a game he will never forget. The senior rattled off 257 yards and three touchdowns on the ground, adding 53 more yards and a touchdown receiving. As if that weren’t enough, Neilsen added three interceptions on defense, propelling Odessa to a 52-12 win over Oroville.

Cashmere-Bulldogs GINNY PRUITT – Cashmere Soccer (SR)

Senior Ginny Pruitt, offensive focal point on the Cashmere High School girls soccer team, led the Bulldogs to three shutout wins this past week. She scored six goals and had five assists from the forward position but also played minutes in each match on defense.

Bethel-Bison KAYLIE ALLEN – Bethel Cheerleading (SR)

Senior Kaylie Allen has been on the Bethel High School cheer team for three years, lettering her first year as a sophomore. She is also on Bethel’s girls tennis team, playing #1 singles. She has attended State twice for cheer and Nationals once. She was named an all-American her first year as a cheerleader. She maintains a 3.9 GPA, is in the top 5% of her class, and is an aspiring Veterinarian, hoping to attend WSU next year as a part of the Honors College. She has maintained straight A’s most of her high school career, has been ASB treasurer for the past two years, and now, as a Senior, is a member of leadership.

Colville-Crimson-Hawks BROCK BENSON – Colville Football (JR)

Colville quarterback Brock Benson delivered a remarkable performance in Week 1 against the North Central Wolfpack. Benson showcased his dual-threat ability by completing 18 of 28 passing attempts, racking up 233 passing yards, and throwing for four touchdowns. He was equally impressive on the ground, rushing five times for an astonishing 121 yards and adding another touchdown. His standout moment came with a 99-yard rushing touchdown, breaking the school record for the longest in history. Benson’s explosive playmaking set the tone for the season, earning him the well-deserved title of Athlete of the Week.

Shadle-Park-HighlandersBECKS BIRD – Shadle Park Cross Country (SO)

Shadle Park sophomore Becks Bird has had a dominant start to the 2024 cross country season. He recently participated in the Timberlake Farragut Invitational, wher he ran a 5k in 16:09 against other runners from Washington and Idaho, putting together a strong performance to follow up his State Tournament-caliber season as a freshman.

Bridgeport-Mustangs IAN DeDIOS-PRIEST – Bridgeport Football (SR)

Ian DeDios-Priest, senior wideout for the Mustang football team of Bridgeport High School, had 14 catches for 412 yards and six touchdowns on offense this past week, averaging 29.4 yards per catch. DeDios-Priest also had six tackles on defense, two of which went for a loss.

Sumner-Spartans AUSTIN FERENCZ – Sumner Football (SR)

Sumner High School senior Austin Ferencz kicked the game-winning field goal in overtime in a week one victory over two-time defending State Champions Lake Stevens this past weekend. Ferencz is also Sumner’s ASB president and carries a cumulative GPA of 3.868.

Kettle-Falls-Bulldogs TALON FISHER – Kettle Falls Football (SR)

Talan Fisher, a key leader on the Kettle Falls High School football team, played an instrumental role in breaking a 45-game losing streak dating back to 2016. In this historic victory, Fisher rushed for 238 yards and scored four rushing touchdowns, carrying the team to its first win in eight years. Beyond the numbers, the senior’s performance was a testament to his resilience and unwavering determination. Having been part of a program that’s faced such adversity, he remained committed, training tirelessly and encouraging his teammates through tough seasons. His leadership and tenacity finally paid off with a game-changing effort that lifted not only his teammates but the entire school and community. Fisher’s impact extends beyond his athletic prowess. As a captain and role model, he consistently sets the tone in practices, motivates his peers, and leads by example both on and off the field. His dedication to football is matched by his academic and personal integrity, making him an outstanding representative of Kettle Falls High School. This monumental victory, fueled by Fisher’s performance and leadership, signifies more than just a win—it’s a turning point for the program, one that inspires the school and the Kettle Falls community.

Grandview-Greyhounds BRENDAN KRAMER – Grandview Cross Country (SO)

Sophomore Brendan Kramer broke the Grandview High School sophomore record in the 1.5-mile run at the Ellensburg Invitational this past week. He took second in his race in a 97-man field, moving from sixth to second towards the finish. At just 16 years of age, Kramer was the youngest runner at the event but ran the fifth-fastest time of the day.

Seton-Catholic KAIA LAUDER – Seton Catholic Soccer (SR)

Kaia Lauder, a 4.0 GPA student-athlete and four-year starter on the Seton Catholic girls varsity soccer team, began her senior campaign with three goals and an assist in the season opener against Onalaska, leading the Cougars to an opening game victory.

Mercer-Island-Islanders YOUNGMIN LEE – Mercer Island Football (JR)

Mercer Island’s starting quarterback, Youngmin Lee, threw for over 300 yards and five touchdowns in his first varsity start. He was awarded the game’s MVP award after the game by the Memorial Stadium staff. Lee is a captain on the team and a student that is academically sound as well. He led the Islanders to a big 47-7 win over Lincoln of Seattle.

Columbia-River-Rapids MAE OTOUPAL – Columbia River Cross Country (SR)

Columbia River senior runner Mae Otoupal was her team’s top finisher at the Hudson’s Bay Run-A-Ree this past week. She is one of the team captains and a huge influence on the runners and coaches around her. She is not only a motivator, but an inspiration.

Bishop-Blanchet-Bears MURRAY TAYLOR – Bishop Blanchet Volleyball (SO)

Murray Taylor, a sophomore on the Bishop Blanchet volleyball team, started the season this week with 17 kills on 30 attempts with only one error. This was accompanied by three blocks, five digs, and a service ace. It was a great start to her varsity career. Taylor is a leader on and off the court, pushing herself in the classroom.

Northwest-Christian-(Colbert)-Crusaders KAITLYN WATERS – Northwest Christian Volleyball (JR)

Northwest Christian junior Kaitlyn Waters is an exceptional volleyball player whose hustle on the court is completely unmatched. An outside hitter, Waters is her team’s junior captain, giving her all in every game she plays. She hustles for every ball, never letting it drop to the floor. She has been on varsity since her freshman year, earning first-team all-League honors last year.


BRYN LANGROCK - WIAA Marketing Coordinator

Scholastic Awards – Welcome

The Gesa Credit Union Scholastic Awards Program recognizes and rewards those teams or groups that maintain a high collective academic standard. It is open to Varsity and Sub-Varsity (JV, Freshman, etc.) sports teams, activity squads such as Dance/Drill and Cheer squads, and fine arts groups such as bands, choirs, orchestras, dramatic troupes and debate (forensics) teams.



  • Any team/group with an average GPA (based on a 4.0 scale) of 3.0 or higher qualifies
  • Distinguished Team Award: Average GPA (based on a 4.0 scale) of 3.00-3.49
  • Outstanding Team Award: Average GPA (based on a 4.0 scale) of 3.50-4.00
  • Academic State Champion: The varsity team/group with the highest average GPA for its activity and classification
  • To qualify for Academic State Champion, submissions must include a team GPA calculated by including all students who participated in the sport or activity at the varsity level


Detailed instructions on submitting Scholastic Awards information are available in the FinalForms section of MyWIAA.

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