
Washington Interscholastic Activities Association


The Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA) is a private, nonprofit 501(c)(3) service organization and rule-making body that was formed in 1905 to create equitable playing conditions between high school sports teams in Washington. The Association consists of nearly 800 member high schools and middle/junior high schools, both public and private, and is divided into nine geographic service districts. The state staff administers Association policies, rules and regulations and provides other assistance and service to member schools.

Les Schwab Tires Team of the Month

Team of the Month

Each month throughout the remainder of the school year, the WIAA and Les Schwab Tire Centers will recognize a varsity Team of the Month for each of the six classifications.  Winning teams will be chosen based on performance, dedication in the classroom and service to the community.  Each Team of the Month winner will receive the following, courtesy of Les Schwab:

  • A Commemorative Trophy
  • $100 Donated to Their Program

Team of the Month winners will be selected based on nominations.  To nominate a team for consideration, please fill out the Team of the Month Nomination Form.  Both athletic and activity teams are eligible:

This is he Team Tabs
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