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To receive media access to a WIAA State Tournament, approved media outlets must register in the Media Registration portal, linked below. For each WIAA State Tournament, there are set Media Registration deadlines listed in the portal.


Sean Bessette
Director of Communications

BROADCASTer Educational Opportunities

In an effort to enhance the streaming efforts of high school athletics and activities across Washington, the WIAA presents three, free courses for all interested broadcasters. Broadcasters on the NFHS Network for WIAA State Tournaments must complete the three courses below before broadcasting a State Tournament contest. As a result of the growing importance of broadcasting of high school athletics and activities, the WIAA partnered with Jamie Council, a prominent freelance broadcast journalist in Washington, to create the WIAA Broadcast Training Course.

The WIAA Broadcast Training Course contains basic, pertinent information in order to properly cover a WIAA State Tournament, or any high school contest or activity, for free. In contrast to other courses, the WIAA Broadcast Training Course is primarily focused on Washington-specific topics, and is designed to uplift broadcasters, expect accountability, and provide accessible professional development. Additionally, the NFHS created two courses: Play-by-Play Announcing & Implicit Bias. These courses emphasize two core elements of broadcasting and are found on the NFHS Learn website.
All courses will require participants to register and further information, including links to the courses, can be found below.

WIAA Broadcast Training Course

  •  Navigate to the link above
  • Create an Account or Login. If you are creating an account as a media member, register yourself as a non-school-related individual.
  • Click Course Enrollments on the left sidebar, then Browse Available Courses on the right
  • Scan the list of available courses until you find WIAA Broadcast Training Course.

Estimated Time for Completion: ~45-60 minutes

The WIAA Broadcast Training Course exists to help give high school athletes the best coverage while assisting broadcast professionals in their development. The WIAA wants to create opportunities for students and those passionate about serving high school sports. It is the WIAA’s hope to serve both entities with a required training course for all WIAA announcers. The hope is to put forth established expectations that the WIAA can expect accountability while also uplifting broadcasters and providing professional development.


Estimated Time for Completion: ~60 minutes

Play-by-play announcing is a key aspect when broadcasting a live game, providing vital insight to the moment-by-moment action of the sport, as well as developing stories behind-the-scenes. That is why the NFHS has created the course Play-by-Play Announcing. This course demonstrates how to professionally prepare for a game as a play-by-play announcer, how to successfully work with an analyst or reporter, how to use proper tone and inflection, and the important aspects of play-by-play announcing during a live broadcast. So, take the course Play-by-Play Announcing, available for free on the NFHS Learning Center.


Estimated Time for Completion: ~60 minutes

Implicit biases are the automatic reactions we have toward other people based on our past learning and expectations. Studies show that Implicit Bias affects the experiences of students in school athletic and activity programs. The NFHS has partnered with Project Implicit to bring you this course, Implicit Bias. Studies support that there is a relationship between implicit bias and real-world behavior, which highlights the importance of being aware of and managing your bias. This course defines and illustrates examples of Implicit Bias and provides research on how it impacts our society.


Media Packets will be linked below upon the start of the corresponding WIAA State Tournament.

  • Cheer
  • Bowling
  • Boys Swim & Dive
  • Wrestling
  • Gymnastics
  • 1B, 2B Basketball
  • 1A, 2A Basketball
  • 3A, 4A Basketball
  • Dance/Drill
  • Fastpitch Softball
  • Baseball
  • Spring Soccer
  • 1B/2B/1A Track & Field
  • 2A/3A/4A Track & Field