Playing sports has always been a significant part of my identity and daily routine. Ever since I was five years old I have found myself drawn to the game of basketball. The speed, liveliness, and comradery that I feel while playing has always brought me an immense amount of joy. In fourth grade I joined my first club basketball team so I could challenge myself and practice even more. This was a big step from the recreational and school feeder teams I was previously playing for. Being on my first club team built my skills as an athlete and fueled my competitive energy. I have also met lifelong friends and mentors through playing club basketball. However, the immense amount of pressure and the mental toll my teammates and I have experienced playing club basketball leaves me wondering: Is it worth it to place young athletes, like myself, in club sports?
Club sports are big commitments because of travel tournaments, intense practices, and the abundance of expenses that come with it. There has been a growing expectation to place kids into competitive club sports at an even younger age in order to develop strong foundational skills. Looking back, my earliest memories consist of watching basketball with my family and running up and down a basketball court. I distinctly remember being in elementary school and going to trainings every day during summer break in hopes of improving my skills. Tirelessly working to perfect my jump shot in a humid gym was the highlight of my time off school. The hours I have spent playing basketball have taught me to persevere and the value in working hard, which are still some of the best lessons I have ever learned.
Some of my favorite memories have been going on travel tournaments with my teammates because I was able to build friendships, explore new places, and compete with teams from all over the country. Although I am forever grateful for these opportunities and the knowledge I have gained through playing club basketball, there are downsides to playing competitive sports at such a young age. There have been numerous times where I have felt scared to go to practice or play in games in fear of disappointing my coaches or teammates. I thought being anxious before every shot or drill was a normal experience. This was the result of the “tough love” style of coaching that has been instilled in me, which is pretty consistent and considered normal in the world of club sports. My time during the Covid-19 pandemic was incredibly transformative for my confidence by giving my overworked seventh grade self a break from my intense practice schedule. During this time away from basketball, I was able to remember that I play basketball because it is something I genuinely enjoy and my time on the court was not supposed to be filled with anxieties and panic. The stigma surrounding stress and burnout that club sports can produce is extremely problematic and needs to be addressed. This competitive culture in club sports can severely impact an athlete’s confidence and attitude towards playing a sport. Unfortunately, I have witnessed many people who love basketball and are incredible players burn out from the constant judgment and pressure from coaches and teammates. On the other hand, my experiences playing for various club basketball coaches have helped me become incredibly receptive to feedback and develop thicker skin. These are both qualities I take great pride in that have helped me thrive in both academic and athletic settings.
So, was it worthwhile to grow up playing in this hyper-critical sports setting? Basketball has developed my abilities as an athlete, overall tenacity, and character, all of which have helped prepare me for all of my high school academic and athletic endeavors. I have grown as a leader and become better at communicating with others because of playing on a club team. Without playing club basketball, I would not see myself as someone who flourishes in leadership roles or being a part of the WIAA LEAP committee. In full transparency, playing club basketball at such a young age could be demoralizing at times, but despite the mental and physical exhaustion I experienced, playing club basketball was incredibly beneficial in the long run. In short, I wouldn’t change it for the world. I am so glad that I have been able to play basketball at a high level with some of my best friends for several years, and now translate those experiences into my current club and high school teams.