
Ben Stuart - NFHS Theatre Award

Washington Theatre Educator, Stuart, Receives nfhs performing arts educator award

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. – Ben Stuart, a theatre educator at Roosevelt High School in Seattle, Washington, has been honored as the Section 8 Outstanding Theatre Educator award recipient, the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) announced in late January.

Stuart has served as the Co-Director for the Theatre & Dance Department at Roosevelt High School since 2015, taking over for long-time directors Ruben Van Kempen and Beth Orme. He is only the fifth individual to hold the position since the school opened in 1922. Recently, six of Roosevelt’s most recent productions have earned Double Superior honors at the Washington State Thespian Festival, including four Best of Fest honors.

In 2015, Stuart was elected to the Educational Theatre Association to serve on their national governing board of directors. Additionally, he serves on the board of the Washington State Thespians as the Co-Chapter Director. He’s held other roles as Co-Vice Chapter Director, NW Region Director, and College Auditions Director. He spends a week each summer in the nation’s capital advocating for theatre education in Washington and across the country.

Roosevelt’s Theatre & Dance Department celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2022, under Stuart’s leadership. Department graduates have made strides across the industry, leaving an impact in film, television, Broadway, and national tours. Stuart’s students have earned degrees from highly regarded theatre schools, including Carnegie Mellon University, Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, and Boston Conservatory.

“Stuart’s colleagues and students describe him as a passionate advocate, skilled educator, and nurturing mentor,” according to the NFHS release. “Stuart’s generosity, both in time and resources, has created an inclusive environment that has left an enduring mark on theatre education.”

The NFHS’ Outstanding Performing Arts Educators Awards honored 56 individuals, including 22 with Outstanding Music Educator Awards, 21 with Outstanding Speech and Debate Educators Awards, and 13 with Theatre Educators Awards.

Stuart is the Section 8 award recipient. Section 8 includes all of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and Alaska. Since 1988, when the awards were first presented, 254 individuals have received section awards.

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